Wednesday, September 09, 2009
10:15 AM ;
Hey people. I think I'll be using Live Journal instead.
But I'm still keeping this blog still .
Big decision since I've been blogging here since 2005.
&if you still prefer to tag instead of leaving comment on my livejournal ..
Thank you! (:
Monday, September 07, 2009
7:28 PM ;
This morning went back to school for Econs lesson! &was released late.
Anyway, clique hangout today! After so longggg.
Even though every week we'll see each other, but still.. is different!
I was lateee! Because class ended late. Met at Orchard.
My fellows mates, Jas, Jollyn, Juowi&Brandon. Had our lunch over at Ding Tai Feng.
Fried Rice.. Best! 小龙包.. juicy! &&of course, we'll never leave CAM-WHORE out!
After lunch, Jollyn had to go back to work.
While the rest of us continue walking around.
Orchard Ion? Nice place.. other than that. Shall not comment. (:
Then decided to settle down at Starbucks, I bought Choco Chip Cream. Jw bought White Mocha .. (something like that).
&after Jas had a sip of mine, she decided to get one too!
Continued to cam-whore. &&we played TAPTAP on Jas' IPhone. So crazy!
People must be thinking what we'r doing with that phone in the center of our table! Laughing&what not. Hilarious. Well, we all left about 1630. Had a good day.
More hangouts needed. :D Guess I'll just wait for pictures to be uploaded.
&&&&&did I mention, JASMINE created a BLOG! Rather, LiveJournal. :D
Okydoky, I'm like so tired now! Byeeee!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
10:32 PM ;
I sprained my knee. :(
Anyway, Jollyn has uploaded the pictures! (: Thank you!
So.. Enjoyyyyy! Ohyes, school tomorrow will be short&Sweet!
&&will be hanging out with my dearest.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
7:45 PM ;
Random much.
School was short&sweet. Other than being late for school! Errrr.
The busss FAULT! Serve detention or not, we still got booked!
Anyway, yesterday my family&I went to Ikea for lunch. And, shopping too. (:
It was packed with Children.. Tell me if is Teacher's day? Haha!
Went to Giant, &shop alittle. (:
Tomorrow will be Monday timetable.. I'm sure it'll be good.
So this whole week, there isn't Tuesday&Thursday timetable.. Good!
These are the days which are so draggy&tiring. :(
This week is ending so quickly! &comes the holiday.
Badbad, promos! Arghh!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
3:06 PM ;
It's never easy to say Goodbye.
Especially to someone whom you've grown up with since our childhood days.
Yesterday afternoon went to meet Jollyn at Airport to finish the card.
We went to TCC, I had some coffee orea drink, which I didn't really like it.
Waste my money! I rather spend it on Starbucks.
We waited for Jw, who took hours to come.
Had dinner at foodcourt, &it wasnt cheap either. :X Made our way to T1.
Some church members were there. &after Pastor prayed for Sarah, &thn hugged her..
Gosh, I was tearing ALITTLE. But as she came nearing us, shaking hands..
I just turned away, &cried? I didn't know why, but yeah.
I was laughing&crying at the same time. Lol. Sarah went, "Eh, don't cry leh."
Then we hugged, I think. Haha.
She turned to Cornelius & said.. "Y'all should hug, since both of you are crying".
Lol. We didnt though. It was just a short while, after that I was alright.
So, we hang around for awhile. Till about 2130, Jollyn &I left. Yes, we took picture tgt. (:
&&on the way home, I just thought to myself..
the next time I get to see her will be 4 years later.
&&it's kinda long. We'll all going to miss her.
Anyway, on the bus I saw Jovin. I think both of us were like.. "You again eh".
Pictures time..
We'll miss youuuuu. Till we meet. (:

Monday, August 31, 2009
3:40 PM ;
I'm exhasuted ...
I need my medication.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
2:11 PM ;
I feel lousy, really lousy.
I just don't understand, If only you could..
Friday, August 28, 2009
8:03 PM ;
Hey! Overall, a Good day today! School was pretty OK. During HT period, had Sexual Education. LOL. Well, discussion was about Abortion. It's really hard to make your stand. Esp, when you'r bringing in your religion into consideration. Illegal or Legal? All I can say, just make sure we don't get ourselves into such a situation where we have to make such a decision. Do the Right thing. (:
Anyway, after school went to watch UP. :D Cute&Funny, I love the balloons! A fun&loving day. &&&&Monday is Teacher's day Celebration, school starts at 0900&end at 1200! How to go back to PHS?! Errrrr. Later that afternoon will be meeting Jollyn at airport. &in evening, will be sending Sarah off. :( 4 years man! So, gonna miss her.
Tuesday, Holiday! Ecp? Haha! -No, stay home!
My Thoughts:
I dislike the feeling of Jealousy.
I dislike the feeling when I don't give a 100% Trust.
I dislike the feeling when we'r angry.
I dislike it when it spoils our mood.
I dislike them all, because they bring sadness.
But most importantly, you're my Amour & I am Yours.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
8:51 PM ;
All for youuuu. :D
I survived today!