Sunday, August 20, 2006
6:18 PM ; pictures
6:08 PM ; sunday.
is SUNDAY! this morning went church, hmm always do? hahas. yeah! calvay tengah youths came to our church. they presented choir items. as they produced a CD. yupps. some songs are nice. hahas. alright!
and i remembered two ppl from the choir, they attended the youths conference too. one of then was my group leader.
ohwell, can't wait for our turn too. hahas. though we also came out with the adult choir. hahas.
alight got to go school tmr? hahas. there's choir!
WESTLIFE's coming to singapore. is like they are finally back! if there's free ticket, i might go! hahas. but don't think parents allow, so what's the point! hmm.
sad, jas didn't came church today, she had CIP stuffs.
Yupps. that's all i guess.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
5:37 PM ; yeah
today in school. asusual, nothing different!
yesterday didn't go to school, had medical appointment. not a very good news?
they tested my strength in both my hands, my left hand was like HALF the strength of my right hand. our right hand is always slightly more then left, only SLIGHTLY! my was HALF! it shouldnt be! so concluded it would affect my playing in piano. hmm. and now i'm preparing for my GRADE8! argh! seriously even now when i practice the exam pieces, is affecting my playing!
well, just have to pray and leave it in the hand's of god.
i can't believe, i have to take MEDICINE! and apply some kinda gel on my hand, to relax the nerve. and they asked me, when i'm free. rather i MUST be free! take different kinda texture to rub on my hand, so that my nerve will be familiar with different type of "envirnoment"! hmm.
what will happen to me, if i really lost the ability of playing?
kinda fearful about this.
cheers for now :))
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
4:48 PM ; mcfly
WOW! havn't been updating for quite awhile. hahas.
last night came back so late, had choir practice then met jialang, james, qihui, shelly and others. Yups.
well, today got back all my papers! i can't believe i passed my science! hahas. did improved, only failed one subject, humans! argh, improved but still fail. hmm. left about 4-5 weeks then end of year examination. so must STUDY HARDER!
oh yeah, later going to meet candice and rest! she's crazy over that HOT GUY!
loook! McFLY! DOUGIE is so cute! hahas.

alright! ok tmr i need not go to school. having medical appointment! ahahas.
hmm. maybe can say kinda sad. haiz! ohwell, but can at least wake up later.
ok go and watch show!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
6:31 PM ; sunday
came back from church, shopping, grandma's house! hahas. great man!
i just love sunday, i love my church, i love my CHRCH FRIENDS! all the YOUTHS, TEENS, KIDOS and UNCLES and AUNTIES! hahas. alright! im going NUTS here! you are sure to be right! hahas.
ohman! both my hands are so RED lah. as if i had some kinda disease, JASMINE and JOLLYN BIT ME! after chinses service, then we went over to the english and we were early. so we stayed outside and played scissor, paper, stone. hahas. we were so bored lah. there's nothing we can do,
beside talking and taking photo. hahas.
Yupps. during the adult sunday class, we teens had choir practice. WOW! they sang so nice lah. i was like, WOWOWOW! hahas. yeah the teens have potential in singing. not bad eh. hahas.
ohwell, tmr there's school dun feel like going but.. must lah. there's choir and tues dunno how, cus choir performing. haiz! wellwell, ok got play piano le!
Friday, August 04, 2006
11:00 PM ; wohooo
SO SAD! today ms chung last day in school with us! she's going oversea to study, she's a very good teacher, always tolerating me and vanessa nonsense. like giving excuses why late for choir and stuffs. kinda sad, almost cried when saw others. guess choir ppl going to miss her.
ohwell today COMMON TESTS OVER! went out for lunch after school with vanessa,anna,jaslyn,shennet and sandra. it was very funny during that time! ahhas.
after practice, went to meet melvin, and we played DOGGYCODE! guess and guess still cannot guess. hahhas. alright! i admit is a stupid game. no fools will play, except US! WHATEVER!
and MELVIN, you are so FUNNY! for the first time i'm saying this. whahas.
okok stop here. need go sleep le.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
5:29 PM ; she is a *******
today had chemistry and chinese. ok not that bad lah, but chinese erm not that good i think. hahas. chemistry was ok i know how to do. can pass i think. yupps.
if i pass i sure HAPPY! wohoo. tmr last two papers, POA and PHYSIC.
sickening. i talked to him, ahhaas. but he so so shy eh! only say yes or no! hahas.
HEY! why you sso SHY? wahhahas.
ohwell, go study! guess going to meet candice and rest later.
loves them too!
iLOVE my estate! lots of memories had here. i will never forget about it!
iLOVE and MISS the people i met here. i like the trees, sky and every little things i see in my estate. even swimming pool, basketball court, playground, mini mart CLUB HOSUE!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
7:41 PM ; exams
ohwell. later still need study CHEMISTY AND CHINESE!
Yupps. and so long haven update yet!
HEY check this
lots of bangles, bracelets and necklaces.
ok go study le!