3:22 PM ; pics.

#15years of us! pictues we took, cus we've got nothing better to do.
wanted to study, but in the end? hahas.
snapsnap, there it goes.
oh well, came back from church.
you know what?! jas, jollyn and i are kinda incharge of games for the youths, as in come out with some bible quiz. guess is played during the youths fellowship. hmm.
yeah! we have supporters! hahas. ok whatever.
matthew and wenxiang are our supporters! alright! hahas.
hmm. tmr got to go back to school for choir. is at 2pm, i don't think i need to go actually, cus i think this practice is for the singout concert! and i won't be perfroming, as i'm having church camp! ok tmr will be meeting daniel, melvin, shan and chan. wohoo!
ok got to go.
oh man! i'm like SICK, really sick. not sick in the brain. ok whatever.
so long didn't update. just don't feel like it. hmm.
what should i update about?
oh on wednesday night, daniel came back from australia. so sad, couldn't go to the airport to recieve him. ahahas. alright! yeah. we can play doggy code already! hahas. he came back at the right time. wohoo! he will be here till the end of december! coolest.
thursday, it was teacher's day celebration. school ended at 10am. Yups. went to J8 with vanessa and anna, we watched the devil wear prada. nice. hahas. the show ended at 1.25pm. then both of them need to go back, i still have to wait till 3pm for jasmine, jollyn, norman, nigel and juowi.
so i went with vanessa to woodlands, walked around the mall. then she went back home, i went back to bishan again. juowi was there already, but in the end he didn't go with us. cus suppose to meet at 3pm, but jas they all were LATE! juowi need leave at 4pm. so no point for juowi to wait and hang out with us, then he went back. hmm. so i waited there like 30minutes then norman and nigel came. walked with them, checked what time the show starting.
FINALLY jas and jollyn came. we went to buy tickets first, so we watched "monster house". hahas. the show quite funny, kinda lame abit. but overall still can watch. hahas. maybe i'm just not use to it, cus i had been watching shows like, lovewrecked and devil wears prada. so yeah...
after the show, we went to take neoprint, we left J8 about 7.15pm. took a train home. gosh! it was so dumb, you won't know what happened when we were at city hall! hahas.
norman and nigel alighted at eunos, jas, jollyn and i alighted at pasir ris.
i was suppose to be home by8pm. then i quickly took a cab. so reached home at 8.30pm. haiz.
and i've got no voice! hahas.
friday! stayed at home, suppose to go for piano class, but didn't. so was at home the whole day. nothing much.
today, asusual. later going jasmine's house, going buy lunch for her and jollyn. they good life man! parents not at home, still got ppl buy lunch! after that we'll take GCM bus from her house to church for youths/teens. yupps.
so that's all i guess. okok. got to go. hmm.