Thursday, November 23, 2006
11:28 AM ; WE is so much better than I
You are the explosion of carnations
in a dark room.
You are a full moon
that gives midnight its meaning.
And the explanation of water
For all living things.
You are a compass,
a sapphire,
a bookmark,
A rare coin,
a smooth stone,
a blue marble.
You are a valentine
tattered and loved and reread a hundred times.
You are honey
and cinnamon
and WEST Indies spices,
lost from the boat
that was once Marco Polo's.
You are a pressed rose,
a pearl ring,
and a red perfume bottle found near the Nile.
You are an old soul from an ancient place
a thousands uears, and centuries and millenniums
And you have traveled all this way
just so i could love you.
wah! jasmine and jollyn today going genteng already. hmmm. sian. noone to talk to. their fault! wahaha. later got to go for piano lesson. after that, going to chalet celebrate titus's birthday.
wohoo! i got a picture of 6527. that's what jasmine taught me. haha! thanks huh. can bring to church camp, see until become sick. whatever!
Monday, November 20, 2006
10:40 AM ; next year would be terrible!
i just felt, next year would be terrible. jasmine would know what i mean.
ohwell, now waiting for vanessa to get back to me if we need to attend choir? maybe they only practicing for sing out? i really don't feel like going already. just thought of going down to bishan at 3pm to meet sally. shall just wait and see.
wahahha! yesterday, we had church camp briefing. even thoguh is just a briefing, jas and i were so excited about it! haha! wait till we are in the camp, guess we'll both go CRAZY!
next sunday, can collect camp files! wohoo. that's slightly more exciting. haha!
ohyeah! my cousin is fianlly going too! and because my cousin is going, norman and nigel also going. coolest! there's youths! can't wait! haha!
hmm. before going for camp, must go booked the function room and maybe just booked the bbq pit? we might just use the tables and chairs there. hahah! this's another event i'm looking forward too.
this week will pass very fast. tmr, there's prayer meeting. wednesday, there's ladies prayer group at one of the chalet. on thursday, there's piano class, then go celebrate titus's birthday at chalet. haha! friday? TUITION! haha! but always pass very fast, cus wendy and i joke, talk. quite fun. haha! saturday, there's church choir. sunday, church service. and on MONDAY, CHURCH CAMP!
alright! that's all.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
12:38 PM ; bugis!
haha! alright, what a joke yesterday. i went to bugis with vanessa, before going for choir. we went round bugis area looking for her tarots cards! it was totally lame and dumb. i'm lazy to blog what relaly happened. so anw, we both bought what we wanted.
then we made our way to school for choir. and what! we don't have to be there. gosh! if not we could have shope longer at bugis. argh!!
haiz! i'm not going for choir i think, i mean church. well, i'll just take the GCM bus to church for youths. guess i'll stop here. :))
Monday, November 13, 2006
10:54 AM ; you are near me, but yet so far.
oh wow! today is my brother birthday! we're going to celebrate later.
hmmm. later got to go for choir, i'm still thinking if i should go or not. haiz!
melvin and chan having exams! argh! when their exams are all over, i'll be gone for church camp, and they'll be in chalet!! and daniel, going back to aust. how cool? hahaha.
well! i can't wait for CHURCH CAMP! my family will be driving up. jas's family also. this year church camp seems that more people are going. coolest.
oh yeah! i can't wait for DEC too! haha! it'll be damn cool. :))
alright! i've got nothing to post already!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
10:36 AM ; TICKETS!
vanessa's and mine!
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! hahaha! i got the tickets 2days ago, they send it to my house. wohooo! vanessa and i were so happy. i can't believe, we are going for the STAGE SHOW!
alright! yesterday, had choir. is totally sickening! argh! some hong kong students came to our school, they sang songs to us, we sang to them. the cantonese song that they sang was nice! i know where to get!! haha!
later have to go for choir, i mean church! hmm. then stay for youths/teens. and tmr, i'm serving!
got to practice the hymns later. guess i'll stop here! brother just got his new bike, for his birthday present! wahaha! hmmm.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
2:46 PM ; 18 tablets!! want me to die.
goodness me! yesterday, i went to Changi General Hospital for my check-up for my hand. waited so long, anw. went to see the doctor, the experience in there was so terrible. and it seems that is, worse! and they realize is not carpal tunnel syndrome. is another term, don't know what is called, hard to pronounce and hard to spell.
he even told me, i might have to lay off my piano! NO WAY! and he said, i've no choice. wth! i'll die without playing it!
and in order to cure it, i have to consume some medicine. whatever! and i'll have to take 18 tablets per day! for 6weeks! on 19Dec, i have to go back for review agian. and if it doesn't work, i'll have to go for a nerves test. another alternative, which the doctor, himself won't encourage, is to inject some.. don't know what's that called. he said, he won't want to do it for me, and i wouldn't want it too! noone wants it! even though i don't know what they are going to inject. i just got a feeling, it's terrible! he told me, it's a RISK!
anw, i've booked the PHANTOM OF THE OPEAR TICKETS! both vanessa and i are going. i'm so bored! alright. sian! chan and melvin having their poly exams! daniel went to malaysia! shan working! aargh!
tmr got to go for piano lesson. hmm. friday, there's choir again.
Friday, November 03, 2006
9:05 PM ; are you the best?
alright! let's start from this morning. woke up 6.30am, had to go back school for lesson, POA! anw, intended to go early to company jingyi. so i reached school around 8.30am. yiqi was already there at 8am! so i went to look for her.
while walking towards the library, i saw one whole bunch of people standing outside the library. then happen saw yiqi standing outside the toilet. heard from her, mrs tan was scolding them. so we stayed in the toilet the whole time, talking and reading magazine. argh! after her scolding or whatever isit. by then it was 9am, ms cheong saw me, call me go to class already. anw, we had our lesson. had break from 10.30-11am. continued lesson till 12pm.
after lesson, i went to meet anna and jaslyn at bishan for lunch. i went to the sistic, to check the prices and sits for PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! vanessa and i are going!! it looks like we're in for the $95 sits. hmmm. anna went to buy present for her friend, so guess were late for choir. but there was 15mins grace what? i yet we had to do the punishment. singsingsing and dancedancedance. i used to think choir is fun, but somehow, this year my interest in choir, is LOW! even church choir, i felt like that too.
tmr there's church choir! don't feel like going, but i've run out of excuse. piano class tmr, haven't done my theory yet. sian!