Saturday, December 30, 2006
11:38 AM ; tonight!
ohyes! today is the day! haha. finally lah, yeah later i'll be meeting zhi, jas, jollyn and others at pasir ris then come my house. that will be the earliest batch.
but go library first. yup.
last night, i don't know why i can't sleep! i woke up at about 1.30am, replied some of the msg and started talking to zhiyi. she was still awake. after that i think she felt asleep. i woke up at 2+, then 3+, then 4+ and 7+ then 8.30 got up to prepare some stuffs. hmmm.
yesterday, went out with jas and zhiyi to TMall. i met zhiyi first then went to buy light sticks, i bought 100 of them. zhiyi bought 50. we're going to play tonight. argh! so fun. ok then later zhiyi, i think going buy the sparkling light stuffs. whatever isit.
anyway, we waited for jasmine, cus she had training. zhiyi and i waited for her in pasta mania, when she came we decided not to eat there. so we went off from the back door. haha. anw, we went to central square and watch our show. we ate popcorns instead, for lunch. haha.
after that, we went back home.
alright. stop here. will post more after today event! ahaha. alot of people man. about 60. quite alot already. ok. logging off.
Monday, December 25, 2006
this morning had christmas service. amazing, lots of new comers.
anw, we presented again. i think during the practices, most of us were pissed off. whatever!
ohwell. after that we all had lunch together, it was buffet. yup.
after lunch, jas, jollyn, zhiyi, sarah and i played heart-attack. and we made friends. we are such nice people. ahaha.
oh then last minute, decided to come my house and play. hmm. about 8 of us, took train and bus. we played uno, idiot. then wei long, our new friend, today then we got to know each other. he later joined us too. and he brought his friend charles. we played basketball, and it rain! then went up to my house. sat there talked and played. lots of craps. no. 1 and no.3?
about 5pm then they went back. cool. there's some interesting stuffs going on.
anw, i walked them out to the bus-stop.
hmm. interesting. alright. stop here.
YEAH! SATURDAY IS COMING! lots of people coming!! IT'LL BE FUN!!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
5:00 PM ; OH, HAPPY DAY!
ohman, what has got into me?! hahhahha.
goodness me, i think i'm going to be crazy! i just couldn't believe it. ahahahha. it's so cool. ohman. OHNO!! wahahaha. OHYES!!! i'm really going abit CRAZY!
i'm so happy!!
argh! and i'm sick!
alright! this morning, had to sing for both english and chinese service. hmm. even though service started later, at 10am. but i've got to be in church at 8.15am for choir practice. so we practiced till 9am. then got changed to our choir gowns. about 9.15, we made our way to the chinese service to sing. haha. it was so fuuny walking around with the gown. when we walked passed the coffeebean area, to go up to the service, people were looking at us. haha. so anw, i played the piano for our presentation. after singing, we went straight back to the main service, we were not late though. anw, had children's presentation, and i've to quickly walk to the piano, was playing for their item. then stayed behind until our presentation, then went to join the rest of the choir members.
yup. after service, i went round giving out christmas cards. everybody was like everywhere! haha. but it was fun though. ohyes! maybe it was VERY FUN!
ohyeah. i didn't expect to get some christmas cards too! but anw, it was thoughtful of them. hmm. beside giving cards, had to went round asking who will be coming to my house on 30th!
I CAN'T WAIT! it'll be fun. i think i counted, there'll be at least 50+ people? around there.
lucky, i've booked the function room. if not if i booked the bbq, it might rain on that day!
tmr there'll be christmas service at 10.30am! yeah! and i've got to be there at 9.15 for choir practice. and there'll be christmas lunch. tmr it'll be fun!
IT WILL BE, i believe.
ahhahha. and i'm talking to zhiyi on the phone now. and i've got some shocking news from her.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
1:45 PM ; RAINING!
hmm. shall post about yesterday.
had choir practice, so woke up about 6.45am. choir started at 9-12pm.
we got to learn out SYF set piece, just singing my part alone, soundsYUCKS. but when the whole choir get together and sing, it sounded nice.
cornelius' school had already finish learning the whole song like a month ago? and they learn within a day. combined with quite a number of schools. and all those schools he mentioned, almost all of them got gold with honour for the SYF, if not, is gold. hmm. ohwell.
anw, during the last part of choir, i had a very bad gastric pain. it was so bad, i even felt like go on to the floor. but, i bared the pain of course! i can't be like on the floor crying in pain. whatever. anw, i really wanted to go down to get some drink, but choir was ending like 15mins time. so waited until it ended, went with anna to J8 to have lunch. actually i thought of going straight from school to CRC for the recording. but really had to eat something. so after lunch, took bus13 with anna. she alighted first then i took till CRC. and it started raining so heavy. and worse still, bus13 didn't stop at CRC that bus stop, but the opposite side instead. and is quite a long distance to walk, with the heavy rain!! so i called jiejie melissa, so she came with uncle jeremy to fetch me.
while waiting for them, i was at the bus stop, cars passed and splashed water!! i just can't escape, but some of them were nice and they were aware, they slowed down or just drive to another line. my shoes was wet and my socks too. anw, i recoreded some stuffs and practice, away in the maner with esther for the christmas presentation. as i will not be playing the melody part when come to her singing solo. yup. after the recording and stuffs, went for prayer meeting with the office stuffs.
this morning, my mum came to my room and was like, look at the trees!! and woke me up. nice alarm?
last night, i guess the rain was very heavy, that the trees fall. according to my mum last night she heard like glass break or something. so this was the reason. the trees fell onto one of the house. and they even took a picture of it.

hmm. after i woke up, i continued doingchristmas cards. and that's what i've been doing for the past few days. i've got nothing to do, and even took picture of it. haha. 
alright. haha. tonight, will be going out with jollyn to watch zhiyi's school concert at esplanade! so yup.
wow! sunday is coming, i can't wait!! got presentation too!! it'll be FUN!!
oh and last night, i had a funny dream. why was that person in my dream? so weird. goodness me. but it was a really funny one! woo~
SUNDAY's coming!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
4:43 PM ; CONFUSE!!
argh! i'm confuse. really, really! I DON"T KNOW! what am i suppose to do? HOW!
anyway, i was looking forward for today, cus is sunday! haha. this morning, went church early, for choir practice. we only left with ONE more week for the christmas presentation. for christmas eve, and christmas day itself. christmas eve, have to sing for chinese service, and main service!!
ohyeah, my neighbour followed us to church today. so quite cool though.
during break time, was kind of busy, had to quickly practice for choir again and also i had to check and comfirm with those who will be coming to my house for the gathering!! this, i can't wait too! it'll be fun.
i started giving out some christmas cards too, some still haven't, still in progress of writing. alot man!! but i love it and enjoy it.
hmmm. was supposed to play the piano for flipino fellowship but then, the children choir needed to practice for their presentation on christmas too. so my mum took over my place and played for the flipino instead. hmm.
TIMOTHY is soo CUTE! whenever i look at him, he'll just remind me of someone else. they look so alike! gdness me!! jas also agreed. haha! the kids are always up to their nonsense, but they are funny too. haha!
was looking at my schedule for next year, gosh! i'm packed! MON, guess there'll be choir then in the night maybe have poa tuition. on TUES, no choice can't go for prayer meeting, cus got to have my chinese tuition. on WED, after sch have to rush to pasir ris crest sec for the O'level Music course. on THURS, i've got wendy. on FRI, maybe choir? then after that meet sally. but guess it'll be fun. so yeah, no worries. time will pass real fast, and it would be SAT and SUN! get to see church friends again!!
really confuse today!! LORD, PLS HELP ME! maybe is not a right thing to ask god for help? ARGH!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
err. LOYANG VALLEY is having lots of FUN! now as i'm writing this, the poolside is having so much of FUN! they're having christmas party! my brother went and just came back.
i wish i could go down and have fun with them. these bring back lots of memories to me.
my bro came back telling me this and that.
he said there was a game, where kensho and andrew volunteered themselves, to be thrown at. and my bro threw the stuffs at both of them, and they felt of their chairs or something. haha. maybe can say as revenge, on the way LAST TIME HOW THEY "BULLY" us!! wahhaa. ok, they are nice people. XD
when i was in primary school, my neighbours and i used to hang out at the basketball court almost everyday. and most of the time will get to see that GANG. i don't know, i always refer them as gang!! but they are nice people, i believe.
we used to "fight" with them, saying stuffs which now i think back, is quite childish. hmm. but was fun.
it got so bad, until our parents have to talk to them. and most of them are older then us, and stayed in LV longer too. so their bonding are real good. which i'm envious of that. i admit!
anw, from then on, whenever we walked pass each other, we'll go HIHI!
we even played basketball with them. i'm afraid to say, that was the ONLY ONE time. i was thinking, if my neighbours and i, continued to go down and play, maybe we'll get to know that "gang" well? maybe, it's wasn't fate for us to know each other? things might turn out worse? some the girls there are very bitchy too. some of them, are real nice and sweet. guys in LV? needless to say :) alright whatever!! so craps.
for about 3years, my neighbours and i didn't go down until NOW! we are all not so close already. one of my neighbours, have already shifted house. and the other neighbours, now hardly even see each other. ohwell.
now my brother, seems to be telling my family about what he did to kensho and andrew. hmm. kensho, used to be a big bully, as we known. and my mum was like laughing, as she and another mother, ever went to his house and scold him for bullying the boys. alright! STOP THIS!! err.
LV is a place where memories are left, beautifully! lots of birds with many colours flying around. there're even love birds!
I LOVE LV and the PEOPLE LIVING HERE!! even though they don't know me, or i don't know them. its ok!
seriously, i've never ever seen a condo, like LOYANG VALLEY!
and now, i really don't have the mood to write any, cus my memories had taken me too far away.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
goodness me! i realized, i've got quite a number of nick names man!
mencar, car, men, carmennn (the way angeka calls it). i thought that was all.
then during the holiday, there's newer ones.
like.. NC16, menmen, carcar and the newest one, jas thought of it, is NLP!
ohman! how creative it could get!
alright, about today? last night started telling zhiyi about my long stories. till this afternoon. gosh, she got the patient to listen. thanks alot man! quite boring though. then went sengkang meet jingyi, wanted take bus go bishan, and we missed it. so we took a cab down instead, and was raining damn heavy! so hard to get a cab lah .
went to bishan library, sally wasn't there yet. had tuition lo. so yup, time pass quite fast. so anw, left the place around 4.30pm.
yup. ok, that's al, going play pool now.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
9:26 PM ; yeah.
this morning, left house at 10.30am, went to pasir ris met up with sarah and julian. then we took train to TM mrt station, to meet the rest. jas, jollyn, sarah, julian, juowi and i met earlier to get norman's birthday present. goodness me, we went to toy'rus? whatever. couldn't find anything to get, so jas suggested go to popular get $20 voucher for him. yup, then 11.30am he came.
we thought of going for lunch first then go safria play. we spent quite awhile thinking what to eat for lunch, pasta mania? pizza hut? then they said, since noone's hungry, we go play first lor, later then eat. while going down, then jas said, let's eat at din tai feng. all of us said we weren't hungry, in the end we all went to eat first instead. huh? haha.
so all 8 of us went in, started to order, food came, bill came. haha. 
total we spent $115.60. wow! haha. hmm. then norman's mum came in to pass him extra cash, and she actually wanted to pay for us. oh man! so good of her, but we can't accept lah. hmm.
after lunch, we went to safria, they played bowling.
after that went to arcade, jas, jollyn, norman, juowi and i played. and we raced with each other. quite cool though. yup, then about 4.30pm, we all went back home. Yup that' s all i guess.
haiz. i really wonder, what's next year timetable would be like? hmm. I WANT TO KNOW!! it'll be TERRIBLE! NO WAY! WHY!!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
9:52 AM ; hmm.
hmm. alright, wohoo. tmr will be going out with jas, jollyn, sarah, zhiyi, julian, juowi, xiang yong, then maybe corn? norman? nigel? maybe go whitesand meet some of them first then go TMall for lunch, after that most like-ly going safria. and my mum meeting my aunt there too. oh. haha.
tonight not sure if going for prayer meeting, cus mum not feeling well. so yeah. will see. yesterday went to orchard, thought will buy something, but didn't. after leaving the place, more people start to come in. haha. was a good thing i went there earlier. alright, i've got nothing to update about. so yeah.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
12:33 PM ; something.
hmm. after the camp, i found out something which it shouldn't happen? hmm. i don't know. just so weird.
is just right after the lunch (last day of churchcamp), when everyone left the resturant. as in when i was in the car going to the other resort with my family, i felt something was like, MISSING. and things became clearer to me on that day itself. i refuse to believe. IS JUST SO WEIRD!
Monday, December 04, 2006
9:48 AM ; CHURCHCAMP! #2006
haha. before church ccamp, on saturday night, my cousin msg me and said he haven't get his passport yet! argh!! he thought they would send it to him. ohman! thought he counldn't go for camp already. on sunday, he recieved a letter, reminding him to go and collect. haha! so on monday, he went to collect and on tues then he could join us in camp. lucky for him, adrain was also leaving on tues w/ his gf and sis. they all came on tues. and what, on saturday night, my dad had cold shoulder. wasn't sure if he could drive. by monday, everything was fine. great! hmm.
this's what happened during the camp. haha. so yeah!
here it goes.
yeah! church camp has finally arrived. woke up about 6am. so my family got ready and stuffs. we left home around 6.45, and went to sarah yap's house to meet their family and uncle edwin's. from there, we drove up together to Taus, and meet up with uncle adrain's family. where-else other church members met at Eunos mrt station, where the couches are. hmm. they went their own way and we went ours.
so all 4 families driving up to port dickson. they called it comvio? as in driving up tgt in group.
see that 3cars in front, the black, the silver, the blue one and mine, which you can't see. i'm taking from my car itself. yeah! MY CAR! haha. oh whatever. it was so fun. haha. there was one malaysian car, got stucked between all 4 of us. haha. so cool! hmmm. and we had lots of stop-over, we stoped at SHALALA cafe, and we all bought bubble gums.
so anyway, we reached the resort, which is GUOMAN RESORTS about 1230pm. we were quite early, not counting thoese advance party. which went there on sunday, after service. we were EARLIER than the couches. haha! i thought jas's family was there already, as they were coming from genteng. we were being recieved by elder choy, dn pual, uncle kenneth, juowi and amos. i think so. haha! we got our stuffs out from the car. and LOOK!

the car booth was packed to the brim lah. there wasn't any more space. as we had to bring the piano from church, 2 boxes of hymn books and LOADS of tibits for the children. goodnees me! we had to tell the police at taus that we were going for church camp. :X alright! so we brought our stuffs to our room. the room was so nice! i got to see the room before sarahann. haha! as she haven't arrive yet! hahaha. SO NICE!! hmmm. was supposed to share with my family, but then last minute sarah was going, so i shared with her! hahaha! by then, the couches all reached. waited for eveyone to settled down and then we had lunch.
oh. and i felt it was so honoured to have Rev Timothy Tow with us. and both sarahyap and i were saying, whenever we see Rev Tow, it just straight away bring us to Lee Kuan Yew. as they both look alike, have the same type of character, believe in what they stand for. and heard that, actually they did study together before. cool.
anyway. after lunch, we had 4hours of free time. yx, norman, nigel and i went to jas and jollyn's room to watch show. yx brought his DVD player, we watched casion royal, but kinda got bored after awhile. so all of us went back to our own room. i stayed in my room until dinner time. all the teens, asusual sat tgt. after that had message, prayer meeting, then went back to our room.
sarahann and i woke up at 5am. we wanted to see the sunrise. so we met matthew at the lobby. it was so dark while we were walking to the beach. so we watied and waited. but the stars there were amazing! we waited until like 6am. there still wasn't any sunrise. we thought maybe there'll be sunset. and ture enough, we were at the west lah. anw, had our usual programmes. but no free time, it was games. thought it wouldn't be fun. but not too bad. haha. my group is the best! have the most TEENS! we played some puzzles game. oh and at night, after everything was over. we, teens went to the lobby and played UNO. just 1 round of UNO, it took us about 1hour to end. and we were being caught by pastor. hnmm. then went back to our room lo.
nothing much, stuffs asusual. during lunch time, jas designed a side-dish. haha. whatever isit. we though was kinda cool. haha.

had free time, was kinda bored. zhiyi, sarahyap both came to my room and we watched open season. but got bored halfway too. jas they all went swiming, the pool was nice. but didn't swim, as i also forgot to bring.

sarahyap in the end also went to swim. so zhiyi and i went to gift shops, arcade, walked around and met my cousin, norman and nigel. they went to buy icecream. hahah! stuffs asusual again. oh i took some pictures of the clouds. 

the clouds and the sea are like so close together.
hmm. and this one, i don't know if this is the sunset or what. not sure if this was taken at camp site or at another resort. 
hmmm. it was the last night that we'll be having! everything the same. except we had games during the afternoon. it was kind of fun, as in more of shouting and stuffs. my group most of the time was shouting. hahaha! my group had, jollyn, zhiyi, juowi, my cousin and i. there were other teens too. but 5 of us kept shouting, as in cheer and stuffs. hahaha! was so cool lah. i didn't know they were into it too. and happen that jasmine's group was beside us, both our group bucked up and intend to kill the other group in one game, where they have to step on the ballons on their leg. jas group was green, my was red. so together green and red=christmas tree. haha. it was so cool lah, both group cheering for each other. but in the end, we still lost. haha. so we had prizes, and both our group so sharing, we shared our prizes. after that we shouted with cheers again. haha! gosh. my church never had this. we were just bringing out the fun in us. then aunty dorothy walked to us and said, "wah. this groups so united, and if i organize, i'll give prize for the most supportive group." hahaha. in the night, we got permission from pastor to stay up latest till 12am. i was hoping for more. but is at least better than nothing. due to last year some stuffs. hmm. we took pictures too.

jollyn, sarahyap and zhiyi.
jollyn and i.
ohman! got to check out already. so sad. we had morning message ususal. by 12pm, everyone checked out and we went out to one of the chinese resturant for lunch. at first they said they'll put all the teens together for lunch, but in the end they said plan had been changed. kinda upset, then we went to see the list, my table is my family and uncle kenneth's, which all are wongs! haha. then on the list were 2LOWS, JASMINE AND JOLLYN! ahahahha. so cool lah. we were more than satisfied. hahaha! after lunch, all the teens had photo taking agian. same like last year, we took after lunch. our teens was so cool. hhahahha.
this year church camp, there wasn't any older youths. hmm. sad for them. fun for us. hahah. :))
that's all i guess. more photos later. waiting to be uploaded.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
5:53 PM ; after church camp!
hmm. after church camp itself, my family went to another resort, AVILLION. somewhere in port dickson too.
the place was nice. it was kind of surprise for my brother and i, as they didn't tell us where we were going to stay.

the swimming pool was nice. but i think church camp one was nicer. haha.

the children pool was next to it.

haha. oh the toilet is nice man! is like open air, as in when you look up, you can see the sky, and down below you is the sea.

and when you look down you can see the sea, kind of freaky.

anw, enough of pictures. haha. so on friday afternoon, after church camp lunch, we checked in and stuffs. then we walked to one of the market, where they have small stalls set up. lots of flies. argh! thought we could have dinner there, but there was no food. so went back to the resort, the dinner was ex. it wasn't nice either. we called for dinner roon service. ok whatever.
so on saturday, my alarm went off at 6am. i forgot to change it, thought was still in church camp. anw, we went for breakfast, theirs was nicer than the one we had in camp. haha. after the breakfast, we went around the resort. it was something different, it had nature walk. they have pet farm, and many other stuffs. butterflies gallary. once awhile you would see a peacock walking around. kind of interesting.
in the late afternoon, my dad drove out, went to billion to shop for stuffs. mum went to buy school shoes. say don't want buy, in the end bought. hmm. went to different shopping areas, gosh! there were lots of stuffs to buy, haha! temptation man! had lunch, then went back to the resort. much later in the evening, went out again, back to the same place, they insisted of eating KFC. but i wanted pizza hut. so anw, had KFC and they regret going. should have listen to me lah! their menu was kind of different compared to singapore. after that, we went walking along the night market. everywhere was food, bags and FLIES! nothing nice to buy, bags? singapore one are nicer and there are more choices!
today, we had to check out. this morning, we had breakfast there again. while walking to the lobby, we saw monkey. but it was being letched. and i found out that, the monkey would be brought to the place once awhile, to let tourist see and get to know about their history and stuffs. whatevever isit lah. haha! so we checked out, and went home. it took us about 4hours to reach home. yup. so i'm finally home ! don't know happy or not? haha!
but sad that church camp is over!! like miss my friends! more about church camp later!