Sunday, January 21, 2007
REPLY TO: . . .ANGEL : yeah, i relinked you already, sucker sister. seeya.CANDICE : my birthday? quite fun, haha. enjoyed. my post said it all. go and read lah. yesyes, i do like it! ohahaha. that day i saw you walking with andrew? very matching. i'll go down tmr? want? CHAN : hey, how? daniel now in hospital? haiz. yeah, now i can go with you guys watch NC16 movies. hahaha! next week you all still got mood want go out ah? melvin said, like daniel suffering then we enjoying. haiz. but so weird his mum... haha. LEON : eh, your IQ is not that good either. haha. yup. nth to update, hmm. still got school homework haven't do. sian. school tmr! it'll be fun! daniel is in hospital at aust. hmm. heard is the same suituation as the other time when he was sick. i saw that scence,he suffered alot. it's terrible! ohman. hmm.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
8:16 PM ; i really did enjoy my birthday:)
i love all my friends!!
they are a bunch of wonderful and thoughtful peeps.
this morning had quite a no. of msg from friends. they already made my day.
when i went to school, anna and vanessa wished me. they gave me cards and present.
during school, elena, jingyi and yiqi said to me, "isit today your birthday?" haha. then when school ended, i went to the locker to get my stuffs, and when i opened, i thought i saw something, it was a present. i turned back to look at them, and they wished me, happy birthday! ohman! it was damn cool, didn't expect it to be in the locker! gosh!! that was nice lah. it really was!
then jingyi, elena, yiqi, kokfai, kenji and i went to causeway for lunch. and kenji and kokfai gave me a present too. yup.
haha. as during lunch, we were talking about some drinks that have gases and stuffs. so we wanted to do an experiment. we went to buy a bottle of coke and sprite and mentose. then we went to the open space near the station, they put the mentose in the bottle, then they threw it up, it did explode but it wasn't a big one. so we decided to try the 1.5 coke light and another 1.0 coke light. this time we went to the field. the 1.5 coke, we put one tube(whatever isit) of mentose in. it just shot up, wasn't very high. then the other coke, we added 2mentose and threw on the road, as we needed it on the hard ground. when kokfai threw, we all ran away, cus it seems that it was going to land on us. lucky there wasn't much cars, it did burst. after that all of us quickly leave the place. haha. ok whatever.
replying to DANIEL: THANKYOU so much for the msg, you don't mind sending to sing? haha. you know, i won't be albe to reply you! yesyesyes, i did miss you. haha."PASTOR daniel" ? AHEM! don't worry, everything is fine lah. i'm HAPPY! glad you are sorry you can't celebrate! sorry no money to buy ticket for you, read more and get yourself updated! haha. study hard!! don't show off to me that you can sleep so late! haha. anw, THANKYOU! i'm going out next week with shan, chan and melvin!! yeah! so sad you can't!yup. tmr, there'll be choir, after that, will be going with anna and vanessa for dinner. then next wednesday, going out with jas. and she said she will treat me as a birthday present! :)satisfied! on top of that, i had a early birthday celebration on 30th DEC'06! THANK YOU, GUYS!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
3:40 PM ; what should i do?
i'm at the bottom of the well? so what should i do? argh! i don't know. my church friends know i'm going crazy too, haha. but amazing, they themselves were all quite supportive. haha. they were too good enough to tell me what i should do. haha! THANKS ALOT GUYS!! very supportive! :X
last night slept about 12.15am.
yesterday, in the afternoon, about 3pm went to meet jas and jollyn, then we went to church tgt. after youths ended around 5.30pm. then jas, jollyn, juowi, xiangyong and i tried escaping from donkey. we went to truth church for their YOUTHS first year annivesary. we represented our church to celebrate with them. and at the same time, calvary youths also having their 26th annivesary? i think. then wenxiang and bengwee went there to represent our youths lo. both events were held at the same place but different area and time.
anw, we went there by train, it was at jurong east there. at paya lebar station, we thought we could escape from him, but he was there!! aiyo! no choice he tag along with us.
there wasn't time for dinner, so after everything ended and stuffs, it was like 9pm. jas, juowi, xiangyong and i went off first. went somewhere near the jurong station for dinner. after dinner, we met up with bengwee and donkey then went to back all the way to the east side! damn tired lah. alighted at semei took bus 9 with bengwee. reached home about 11.30pm.
ontop of that, had to wake up early for church this morning. yup.
everything happened fast, but it was enjoyable! yup!
next wednesday, i'll be going jollyn school for the music course!! yeah!
alright, stop here!
tmr, back to school. sian. it'll be fun!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
1:52 PM ; I'M HAPPY!!
i'm happy. i don't know why, just find that is getting more and more exciting.
it'll be fun in school.
from the beginning of school till now, i'm just feeling HAPPY!
i, me, myself know what is happening and what's going on. hahha. i heard that jollyn dreamt about me and someone and there were some others involve too.
ok, got to get ready for church already. yup.
okok, i'm just happy. very happy!!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
wohoo! just now, when i was having tuition, my home phone rang. noone was at home to answer so i did.
it went like this..
carmen: hello.
mr leong: hi, is mrs wong(mum) at home?
carmen: nope, she not in at the moment. may i know who am i speaking to?
mr leong: i'm mr leong, am i speaking to carmen?
carmen: yup.
mr leong: oh, ... the principal from pasir ris crest had approved of you coming.
carmen: oh. ( i was damn happy, wanted to scream, but can't cus my teacher was there and am talking to him also).
mr leong: you can go next wednesday, you know right?
carmen: yup, and is at 3pm.
mr leong: yes.
carmen: thank you. thankyou very much.
not all are excalt words.
yup. haha. i was so happy lah. anw, when my mum came back, i told her!! haha. i quickly called jollyn, ohman, she was damn happy!! haha. alright! today in school was fun? ahha. ok, yup we watch movie for the last 4periods, the movie was rated NC16. is just that, there's lots of bad words. haha. yup. for me, school was fun today!! i love it! ok craps.
on top of that, double happiness? upon hearing the news to pcss. haha.
yupyup. really praise god.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
5:20 PM ; PISSED OFF!!
haven't been online for quite awhile, ever since school started. almost everyday have something on, either got to stay back in school or have tuition. on top of that, had to complete my work so can't come online.
this whole week was a rather a upsetting week. cus of the music O'level thing. i'm supposed to go to pasir ris crest sec for this course. i've made an appeal like last year when submitting the form, is of no use now. they already approved of my request like last year october! but the principal in pasir ris crest don't. just because i'm not an east zone student and stuffs. BUT IT WAS EXCEPTIONAL!! i really do want to take.
today is the day that i've been looking forward to take the course at that school. but somehow, just fail!
jollyn, my parents and mrs tan have been helping me in this matter. mr leong from the MOE also have been helping me. kind of feel bad. well, i really don't know. and they ask me to go to st. nicholas, if really still can't get to pasir ris crest . hope by this week, they will let me know again. cus they will be talking to the principal again. tmr the course will begin in st. nicholas, but don't think i'll be going. cus i'm not really prepared in taking there. this is so irritating!
like what my mum said, maybe is not god's will for me? well, just await for the result and see.
alright, school have been fun. home room system? there's disadvantages and advantages. hmm. whatever.
today had chapel, and for what i know, i think everyone was singing, clapping and enjoying themselves? compared to the others chapel time. the band was nice. whoever were the one playing was nice. as in, they brought up the spirit.
oh after school, i took with jingyi bus86, and i saw jackson at our school bus stop taking it too. haha. and when i reached my house bus stop, and saw kensho. hmmm. this is so funny! ok, whatever isit.
sat is coming, there'll be youths. and i don't know if i want go to calvary. argh! some stupid reason. alight. i'll stop here.
tmr it'll be a fun day:)) it will!
Friday, January 05, 2007
hmm. i can't make up my mind if i'm HAPPY, CONFUSE or SAD?!!
anyway, today went to singapore poly for some career stuffs. we were there from 10-2pm. look likes i've still have lots of options to look at. hmm.
if i'll go to a poly, i'll most like-ly take the Music and Audio Technology. yup. that's what i have in mind already. so, i might go for it. but, will see. there are still more options, i guess. i hope i can just know what i want, and not changing my mind.
school reopen, and things start falling into place. and my thoughts seem to be flying around my head. hmm.
alright, my church friends have been hearing lots of story from me lately, about school stuffs and so on.
tmr, i've got piano class. don't feel like going out of house. anw, hope there isn't any church choir practice. please! don't send any reminder of choir practice!!
but i'll be looking forward for YOUTHS MEETING!! yeah, finally! for the last two months didn't have, as thought we might have some kind of christmas musical and stuffs. like wenxiang said, quite wasted though. so tmr is the day! haha. yeah. get to see my kakis again!! NO, but not that person! YUCKS!! hoho!
school is interesting though. back to busy school life! :) it'll be fun!
Monday, January 01, 2007
2:25 PM ; NEW YEAR 2007!
i'm very tired. this morning came back from church at about 1am. so fun lah. excatly at 12am, pastor asked everyone to wish to the people around us. haha. so i shaked hand with jas, jollyn, zhiyi and more. but after the whole thing ended about 12.15am, we started going round wishing people, BLESSED NEW YEAR! the we hug each other and stuffs, had group hug. hahahhaa.
and we were like telling each other, jas, juowi and i are sec4 and zhiyi, jollyn and sarah are sec3! haha. and i'll be jollyn classsmate sooon. hahaha. as in for the O level music course at her school. hahaha.
anw, this morning it was our official opening for our BIBLE WITNESS WEB RADIO broadcast! it was at 6am. i think everyone, maybe everyone in church, were online to support this ceremony? hmmm. whatever. i wanted to get up at 5.30am, but was very tired. in the end my dad went to on the comp. i heard some music and stuffs, then went to sleep.
cus on sunday, which was yesterday, after morning service, all of us went home. then about 3pm i went to uncle jeremiah's house, with zhiyi, jas, jollyn and juowi. we just felt like playing together, cus maybe like we won't have the chance to when school reopen? so we played MONOPOLY! it was funny, can say, we kind of "complete" the game. 6 of us played, and about 3 were going bankrupt, and 2 was already out of the game. hhaha.

for this whole stretch of row, all of us who passed there, just had to keep paying! and not just the rent, the houses!! just getting to pay for 4houses, you can get bankrupt.
jas had to pay me like thousands! cus my was hotel. after paying and stuffs, but not only me, others too. hahaa. poor her. she was left we like..

after awhile, she was totally bankrupt. haha.
i was almost going to be bankrupt, but not as bad as them. wahaha. after jas they all pay me, i was slightly richer. so wasn't that poor after all. haha. 
anw, uncle jeremiah was like the richest.

so after that one round of game, we played one round of UNO. with aunty gina joining us.
then we played HEART ATTACK! it was so fun!! we were all like shouting. goodness me, my hand was RED! alright, we left their house about 8pm then went to singapore post for dinner. after eating, went up to church to practice the piano and stuffs with eunice before the watch night service start. so we stayed till 12am, which is this morning.
hmmm. about what happen on saturday, so like the post that i said before, i went to meet zhiyi, juowi, jas, jollyn at pasir ris. then we went up to the library. and weili, charles, weilong and his friend came earlier. poor zhiyi. haiz. haha. after borrowing books and stuffs, we all went to take bus89 to my house. this group was the first to reach my house.
went to the function room and set up drinks and get the place ready.
THANK YOU, zhiyi, jas, jollyn and juowi for helping!! and the other 4 of them were just slacking away. alright! after everything was kind of ready, all of us played UNOslam and others.
slowly more and more started coming. yiqi and kokfai came quite early as compare to some of my other church friends, vanessa and xueli also. much later jingyi. but vanessa got to go off after awhile.
during dinner time, more started coming! hmm. my cousin came just nice, when dinner started!!
sally then msg me telling me she bringing her friend, and when i saw, it was zhenyi! ohman! she was back in singapore.
there were others too, but lazy to name them all. anw, we cut my birthday cake, haha. but it wasn't my actual birthday yet, just celebrate early. cus can't celebrate when school reopen! didn't expect any gifts, but i had a number! THANKYOUguys! most of the youths don't know that i was kind of celebrating my birthday so yup. which that was what i wanted. just want to have fun with them only. we had group photo, and since my cousin birthday was on 26dec, he celebrated with me! haha.
after cake and stuffs, my tuition teacher came with her boyfriend. hehe. i finally get to see her boyfriend. sometime during lesson time, talked about her boyfriend, so quite a nice guy, not bad looking either. anw, she gave me christmas and birthday present! ohman!
zhiyi add together with my lightsticks, 150 of them. is NOT ENOUGH! i gave out to almost everyone. it was fun seeing the older youths having the lightsticks too. haha. uncle jeremiah and uncle kenneth took alot lah! and weilong's friend, after one whole afternoon playing tgt, i've got no idea what's his name. anw, he took alot and put it as his shoelaces. it was nice lah. haha. and when i saw all 4 of them walking out to go home, all the lightsticks around them, OHMAN! they took alot! but it was colourful and nice. haha.
about 8.30pm, jas and jollyn had to go back already, so quite sad. i was like walking here and there as they all back at different timing.
all the youths, were like everyone, the teens group were playing bball, and the older youths, were playing UNO, they had 2groups, one is for girls, and other is for boys. haha. zhiyi and i were outside the function room talking, when we suddenly heard aunty gina shouted, "INTERCEPT" and we started laughing. as in we didn't expect that she know how to play. it was funny.
coming to the end, my cousin came to me holding a piece of cake, and threw it on my face lah! i was like screaming! argh! he'll be dead. i'll think of idea. haha. so after everyone left, we started to clear up and stuffs. everyone had to get ready for next day church service. so anw, i had fun and hope they too had fun!
i'll end here, as i'm quite tired! pass few days like 24hours seeing church friends and hanging out with them was so fun! now, just don't feel right not hanging out with them. hahahahha. ok. got to go! so yeah.

look what i've done to the lightstick! NICE!