Monday, November 26, 2007
2:14 PM ; churchcamp
HELLOOOO! yeah, church camp starts tonight! wohoooooooooo! all of us have to be at the airport by 2200++my family going early for dinner. hmmmm. we'll be leaving Singapore, midnight, and reaching Philippine at about 0400++that's according to the programmes. we all cant wait! it'll be suppper fun! we planned what games to bring and stuffs! alright, got to go!
Friday, November 23, 2007
3:40 PM ; Malaysia Trip/
Friday 161107so yesterday, in the eveing, first, we went to Tanjong Katong Mall to get my brother new violin,as his previous one was too small. his teacher was there to assist in which violin to get and stuffs.the violin is really nice! wth. he gets to get new violin everytime he piano doesnt! my piano is more than 30 over years, since my mum time.but one thing good about it, is the strings that are extremly seasoned!alright, and his violin cost about $300++ they have many different sizes,there are extremly small ones! like 2-3years old kids taking up violin!!woooooo!i've got a full size violin at home, so i might consider taking it up. yeah!after getting the violin, we went to Orchard, Mount Eliz? went to visit my grandmum. heard this morning she had been discharged. hmm.this morning, woke up at 0600. left home for Malaysia at around 0700.reached our destination about now my family and i are at Ancasa Hotel. our room is at the 14th floor, and my new house will be at 14th too. hahaa, for experience? hmmm.anyway, later in the evening, we'll be going to China Town, of course the one in Malaysia. and a few days later, we'll be driving to Port Dickson, another resort. hmmm. so is like, a few days here, and a few days there.OHYES! amazingly, WESTLIFE's album is out! Jay Chou's album is out too! since my friend will be sending me Jay's songs, so i've decided to to buy WESTLIFE! and i bought it yesterday! wohoooo. alright, their standard is still there! even though they are older. hahaa. they have the voice! Backstreet Boys' album is out too, they are not too bad either. but Westlife is FIRST on my list! hahaa. i'll be broke, if i do get them!on Wednesday, i wanted to get Weslife, BackstreetBoys, JayChou and another female singer, she's a singaporean- Oliva? my memories fail me, only remembered the first letter of her name, O!Churh Camp! real SOON! i cant wait. honestly, im looking foward in going back to Singapore! hahaa. alright, going shopping . . shop shop shop! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!this hotel have wireless interenet, but they charged. 1hour, is 10RM. hmm.sad, this weekend wont be in church! hmmmm.but i guess there'll be lots of time to catch up during CAMP!Have you ever loved somebodyso much it makes you cryHave you ever needed something so bad you cant sleep at nightHave you ever tried to find the wordsBut they dont come out rightHave you ever?the dream that i had/reporting from: Ancasa Hotel; Room 1201, Malaysia.Saturday 171107
yesterday in the noon, we went to . .
MENARA- KL TOWER, which is atop a hill of the Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve,
a height of 421 metres.
it is South-East Asia's tallest communication tower opened to public in 1996.

in the evening, we had our dinner at Coliseum! is very unique.
they have been around since 1921, survived two world wars.
their decor which are back to the 1920s, the subdued lighting, the nail-free wooden dining tables, white table cloth, old-fashioned coat hangers and stained glass lamps, the menu.
the staffs that are also really old. really oldd. it was something different. hmm!
after that we went over to China Town.
it was super crowded, i think we didnt buy anything?
anyway, there was this guy who kept following us, let's call him the A-H! wth.
my dad stopped and asked a passerby for direction and that A-H also stopped!
that passerby was nice, he walked with us, and showed us the direction and stuffs.
and that A-H still followed. the guy asked us better to watch our bags.
after a long distance, can say that A-H lost us! Hmmmmmmmmmm.
that day was a disater!
this morning, woke up went down for breakfast.
ok, after eating, i needed the toilet.
i guess im not use to eating breakfast, cus usually i dont.
after breakfast, rest ahwile in the room.
my family and i took a train to KLCC- Kuala Lumpur City Center.
alright, their ticket is like the old system we used in Singapore. plastic ticket?
anyway, that shopping centre is like Orchard. is more of a international shopping area.
many branded shops tooo. i bought a dog? is something like Tamagochi? is really something.
it can sings, it also response to the environment.
there are different types of dogs, each with different character.

my brother bought a stethoscope, it works!
you can hear the heart-beat of the person. hmmm!
KLCC is in the center of the Petronas Twin Towers, the tower is 452 metres tall.
sadly didnt get to the 41st floor skybridge to view the city.
in the afternoon we went back to the hotel.
stayed there around, 1900 then went over to China Town again.
this time we really bought quite a number of stuffs.
bought shirts, jackets, shoes, belts and snacks.
ohyes, and brother bought a watch which cant function! hahahahaaa.
went back to hotel, and that's my day today!
how sad! today cant attend Youths! Night.
reporting from: Ancasa Hotel; Room 1201, Malaysia.
Sunday 181107It's Sunday! but cant go to church! how sad, cant see my kakis. hmmmm. family wanted to go to Calvary Jaya BP, but is very far from where we're staying. so we just stayed in our room and have our own Bible study. we went down for breakfast, after eating i had to use the toilet again!after our breakfast, slacked in the room. during lunch time, we went out. but didnt haave our lunch though.went to places near the hotel, bought stuffs again. in the end, we walked until a train station, took a train down to Time Square. OHYES! roller coaster in a shopping mall! alright, is super BIG! i think is really FUNN! when you'r shopping, able to feel the vibration too. i'll upload pictures later.but can say, for a shopping mall like this, where there are so many teenage shops and entertainment, why isnt there much people? Teenage? as in packed, till the walking flow is jam? i think if is Singapore, it'll be. maybe is just the lifestyle. anyway, there's this stall, that's Guotic? you can say. hmmm. they'v a sign that says, "members only". hmmm. hahaa!is like there's 10th floors! so went to every level, but there isnt much stalls either, lots of empty place. and what, the air-con broke down, i think. it was warm, and people fanning themselves. after all our rounds, took train back, brother and i went back to the hotel,mum and dad went down to China Town get food for us. and also to change my brother's watch. so now, im at the lobby of the hotel, using the wireless internet, if im not wrong, we are. but we must pay. hmmmm. yeah, so that's all i guesss!past few days of my activites, used the laptop first to blog about my day. then today, post it all out! im loooking forward in going back! (: that's means, church camp is fast! still thinking/reporting from: Ancasa Hotel; Room 1201, Malaysia.Monday 191107alright, asusual in the morning, went down for breakfast. most of the food are the same, hotdog. . roti prata. . noodles. . rice. . eggs. . pancakes. . french toast. . orange juice. . apple juice, watermelon, pineapple, etc. after breakfast, went back to room.ohyes! then around 1030 we went to Eye on Malaysia, a ferris wheel overhanging the Lake Titiwangsa, it has a height of 60 metres. and all the gondola are fully air-conditioned. the ride last for about 15-20mintues, quite a number of rounds we had. able to see the Petronas Twin Towers and KL Tower. the feeling is amazing when you're right at the high end of the ferris-wheel! after that, we went to Mid Valley, shopping mall. the atmosphere is like TMall, but this shopping mall is really huge! shop and shop. about 1500, took a cab back to hotel, rest for awhile. while mum, bro and i stayed in our rooms, dad went to nearby places to get his stuffs. then later in the evening, we went down to China Town again for dinner. went back to hotel again, put down our stuffs, brought laptop to Starbucks and use their internet. yeah. going back to hotel soon! hmmm. that's all i today is our last night here, in this hotel. tmr morning, going over to Port Dickson resort for another 3days and 2nights! hurry! Singapore! 7days later Churchcamp, Phillipine! you've been miss/ reporting from: Ancasa Hotel; Room 1201, Malaysia.Tuesday 201107woke up early again, went for breakfast.then checked out, and drove up to Port Dickson, it took us about an hour or so?reached, Ancasa awhile, brother and i went down to arcade, race and race. spent 20RM, hmmm.then went for a ride around Port Dickson.had late lunch, early dinner outside too.we were quite familiar of some of the places, it was near our last year church camp.back in resort, take a walk around the resort, the environment quite nice.went to the beach, the waves was really big, and then went to the pool, went to arcade race with dad, to him, is giddy! hahahaa.anyway, there isn't much place to go around here.i still like Ancasa Hotel, is HOTEL. of course!but best of all, i still prefer my HOME!yeah, so nothing much to post about either.tmr last night in Malaysia!wohoooooo.the sun has come; i do miss/reporting from: Ancasa Resort; Room B408, Malaysia.Wednesday 211107heyyoo! last night today. wohooooo! alright, i coudnt sleep last night! it rained so heavy, the wind was SO STRONG! as if the window was going to shatter into pieces. the feeel was like there's going to be Tsunami? anyway, breakfast was worst than the hotel.after breakfast went to walk at the beach, there were a few stalls selling kites. there were horse riding too. all those young kids and teenagers mending the stalls? i guess that's the way to survive here. we'r just fortunate. brother went swimming again, im at the lobby using the laptop. spent our noon at the resort, slacking. in the evening, went to Oceanic Mall, spent few hours there. Yeah, came back, played arcade again. alright, that's all i guessss. tmr brother's getting his PSLE result! so we'll be going straight after leaving Malaysia. hmmm. wohooo, back home!so officially, today is the last day!but 4days later, Churchcamp. interesting uh? so long havent been on the plane. leaving again on Monday night. i did enjoy myself though. hmmmmmm!a reason is meant to be a reason/reporting from: Ancasa Resort; Room B408, Malaysia.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
11:06 PM ; life.
ok, life today was manageable.
grandparents are out, now is already 2310, still not back yet.
this morning, went to TMall with mum and grandmother.
they had to go to the bank and transfer stuffs.
after that, went to Simei for lunch, met my father and bro.
then went to immigration to collect my bro and my passport. waited for at least an hour.
today is bro birthday, so went to MacJack for dinner.
new resturant, near grandparents' house.
anyway, tmr going out.
going out with all the Js.
Jollyn, Jas and Jw.
and some others. C? that's me. hmmmmmmmmm.
if it was in a joking manner, i seriously wouldnt mind at all.
it was that tone that you gave, pissed me off.
but everyone makes mistake.
at times we are just unaware of the mistakes we made, or things that we even said.
if that's so true. .
when we give in too much, people around us will take it for granted.
they tend to think its alright, thus sit in the comfortable zone.
but it work out to be. .
when we give in too much, they just dont know how to appreciate it.
friends will be friends for life?
Monday, November 12, 2007
10:51 PM ; wireless
wooooo! finally i get to post.
up in the room, using the wireless. kind of irritating, disconnect and connect. hmmmm.
so far the connection seems to be GOOD only! once awhile is low.
alright, my grandfather just came back from drinking.
he seems to be drunk. my dad went to unlock the gate for him.
and now, he's hearing some Chinese music. hmmm.
all of us are in our rooms, but he's still downstair.
yesterday night, both grandparents came back from australia.
this morning, was home with them. i felt super weird.
is like with them around, i didnt dare to like play the piano as and when i want to,
or even just on the TV to watch my show.
can say abit stress? hahaha. maybe not so with my grandmother,
but my grandafather can be scary at times.
im so glad, tmr i'll be out of house!
brother's birthday tmr, but today after school he went out to celebrate with friends alr.
tmr, i've got to go and collect my passport.
will be going to church for prayer meeting in the night. (:
woohooo! Jas and Jw should be enjoying themselves! hahaa.
today was their last paper.
good for them. the Js.
from Wednesday onwards, i'll be busy enjoying myself i think. hhahaaha.
the story continues . .
asusual, that group of youths will hang out together at Secret.
she always have a kind of sense that makes her feel that something is going on. .
but the answer was unknown!
she knew that, there's sure to be an answer, but "time" was hindering her from it.
how was she going to find the answer? and how much longer?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
2:00 PM ; alright.
wohoooooooo, im here! alright! havent been posting lately. was busy shopping around for our new home, all the designs and stuffs. hahahahaa. yesterday went with my parents to one of the shops, that sell toilet bowl. there was this lady, who really sit and tried on every toilet bowl. it just look so weird, as if she's doing some business! hahaa. i couldnt help, but laugh! alright, toilet bowl isnt that cheap after all. hmm. YOUTHS later! yeah, JAS will be going! how i've longeth for this day. hmm.will be meeting her in the train. after Youths, will be going to Simei to meet parents, then send bro for his violin lesson. i guess my mum and i will just stay around the poolside. wohoooo. Wednesday, going out with Jas they all. Thursday, might be going out with primary school friends, but yet to comfirm. Friday, which is 16th Nov, will be going to Malaysia with family until 22nd then come back. then 4days later, Tuesday, will be going to Cebu, Phillipine for Chuch Camp! wooot! it'll be fun! ok, back to my game! confusion/
Sunday, November 04, 2007
9:15 PM ; sunday.
excatly is SUNDAY (: went to church earlier asusual for choir. woooooooo! left 3more Sundays for practices. if i would countdown, means 22more days to Church Camp'o7! all of us cant wait, taking a plance to Cebu, to our Mission Church there. but is budget, its ok. Hmmmmmm! was serving in Chinese Service, Jollyn stayed and companied me. after that, both of us went to Waston. bought snacks, i bought the ball cake. childhood snakcs. hahaahaa. went up to audi and waited for English service to end, they ended quite late cus of Holy Communion. Jollyn and i talked to Timothy, learnt some korean from him. anyway, once ended, we went in to audi. talk to our kakis. and i found out, Jw also play O2 Jam!hey, recently i've got addicted to that game. hhahahha. had to stay on for Children's choir, im not in it though. helping out as pianist only! waiting for 'J's to finish their Os, then can enjoy! ohyeah, and ChurchCamp and Youths Camp!alright, that's all. i noticed, and you too.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
8:36 PM ;