Saturday, December 29, 2007
3:27 PM ; youths!
ohman! back from Youths Camp, it was FUN!
im very tired, but i just dont want to sleep!
we checked out about 1030 today. many things happened.
went on Thursday afternoon, everyone reached about 1500.
had briefing, and we started off with some Ice-breaker games, and then played captain ball.
not too bad, i think.
Our Theme topic was, 'Fearing God & Overcoming Temptation.'
2 Corinthians 7:1
"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
the topic was really appropriate for us, Youths.
The struggles that we face each day. There's so many temptations around us.
Anyway, on Thurs night, we slept around 0100+
On Friday morning after devotion, Jollyn, Juowi, MatthewMah, WenXiang and i had a quick breakfast, and we went to plan for our games, Amazing Race. We were supposed to walk around to put paper clips around.
Alright, i've no idea why we went to Matt's car, we settled in and the next minute we got out!
It was really funny.
After afternoon message, we started playing the game. we expected the game to last for at least 2hours. but they were super fast! they just took an hour or so!
but i think it was really enjoyable.
Talk about the night, we had BBQ! it was kinda rush, as we had another Message.
after that, we had Testimony Time.
We played some games first to see who will start the ball rolling.
Norman had his go, after him, Jas, Jollyn, Juowi, Brandon, Julian, Brendan and i started presenting two songs. Actually we didnt intend to share our testi,
but in the end we all shared too.
We had some rebuked too, but anyway is all learning experiences, i guess!
i've realized and learnt lots of stuffs from each one of them.
Oh! during Testimony time, there was a break out of fire? i've no idea what they throw in there after the BBQ! hahaha.
the dust bin was on fire! The cover was burnt! have to pay for damages.

testimony ended about 12am+ Then some of us went to bath. Yeah, both nights we bath that late, 21 sharing 1 toilet! we've got to take Q! Ohyes, i remembered how active we were last night!Still singing christmas songs, and giving out christmas treats, BEEF! hmmmmm!
This morning, had morning devotion again, packed our stuffs and headed home! so that's about it! obviously lots more happened, but is just hard to put in words! Because it's just AMAZING!
i've seen; i really treasure it/
and ThankYou!
Monday, December 24, 2007
4:50 PM ; what more.
alright. no one's at home now.
brother went for violin lesson, then followed mum to TMall.
so im home alone, but its ok!
gosh! i was playing the piano, when i saw something passing by me.
It was a CAT! It came from the back door, walk thru the house, and out to the main gate.
wth, and went to bags of plastic bags to loook for food, i think.
Read Cornelius' blog, and he called me too.
Teens Outing tmr! Argh, going to give it a miss, cus grandparents coming back!
It seems to be fun! He asked quite alot of teens! Roller-blading and Cycling!
After that, they'll be going for Prayer Meeting. Errrr!
Dad bought the Wireless- Home router, is actually for our new home.
but for the time being, can use it in grandparents house. hmmm!
next year back to school, with no books!
all my books are in the storage house, and i cant get it!
Only shift in, mid Jan.
Thursday, is Youths Camp! (:
how wonderful. Simply, cant wait for the games!
OH YES! and i just simply loves Jay's music.and i think it will; its spoken.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
9:37 PM ; cards
It's Sunday (: the usual stuffs, went to church early, brother had rehearsal for choir. i love giving out the Christmas cards! i just like the feeling, is really nice. For the upcoming Youths camp, it'll be fun. More people this time round. The planning of games is really enjoyable. Especially, the Scavenger Hunt, which Jw said he wants to change the name to somewhere close like; Amazing Race. shall let him do the thinking. and we've decided, Jollyn shall do the explaining of games! hahahaa! The place is quite huge, for games. Ohyes, and what! There's like 20 over people staying over, and there's only 1 bathroom! how interesting! Fortunately, the others will be there only during day time. hmm. Tuesday is Christmas! wont be going for prayer meeting, grandparents will be back. i wonder how Christmas will be like? Hmmmm! Once over, will everything change/.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
8:56 PM ; alright.
Back from church and dinner.
oh yes, i forgot about the carolling that were going on yesterday and today.
Used to be active in the carolling, going from houses to houses! how i miss those time.
But this time carolling more of the choir, and happened i stepped down already.
Anyway, this afternoon went to recky the chalet. Changi Chalet M. The feel is so, lonely.
went there to help us plan our games better. it did help!
i think it'll be fun! (:
we walked along the broadwalk, and suddenly it rained! we were all wet!
they droved over to Changi Village to settled some order of food, then later drove to church for Youths. reached there just in time. Uncle Jeremiah had to rush off to KL, so we had our message first. Youths ended early, had a short meeting again for the camp.
it'll be fun man! it seems that there'll be 35people coming, including part-time and full-time.
how interesting! Scavenger Hunt will be fun!
church tmr, i'll start giving out christmas cards! (:
serving tmr in Chinese service. hmmmm.
but kakis away, only Jw. nvm, there's Youths camp! wooo!
alright, got to go!
i had it today; enjoyed it/.
12:16 PM ; hmm.
Yesterday, at about 1950, Popo passed away. Her heart was already very weak, thus she died of heart attack. the hospital called, dad and mum then went down. brother and i wanted to, but becus happened our family called for KFC delivery. so we got to stay home and wait. Anyway, Popo is not really related to my family. but i knew her since young. she used to work for my grandparents, as servent. that's what i heard. and she's a nanny of my aunt. I've seen those tear of joy, and knows she's not alone. Whatever isit, she a believer, and im glad she's now with the Lord. (: Alright, got to leave home soon. going to simei to get all my christmas gifts done. then going to church meet Juowi, MatthewMah and WenXiang. we'll be going down to our Youths chalet to see the place, to help us in our plans of games. hmmm. think i've got to get ready soon. (:
Friday, December 21, 2007
5:59 PM ; (:
ohyes! new blogskin, it looks great then expected!
lots of things had happened this past few days, but im glad everything went well.
yesterday night performance were great.
alright, post agian later. dont feel like now.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. (:
Monday, December 17, 2007
4:02 PM ; hmm
i saw the words written on your face.
it'll be over soon,
i understands/.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
6:00 PM ; missed.
heyyo. yesterday had prayer meeting. also, i had an X-ray on both my hands. the result turn out to be.. good and bad? hmmmm. good thing is, we finally know what's wrong and i need not go back often. Bad? maybe not really. i've to leave with it my whole life. is something to do with the bone stracture. im one of the minority of the population who are born with it. hmmm. interesting! that's unique. Am i looking forward for the next Church Camp!
after every church camp, we say the same thing; "so fast end!"
like now, im waiting for the next church camp, it takes days, months!
by the time Church camp comes, it's over within a week! errrrrrrrrrr!
Anyway, the Youths are looking forward for the coming Youths camp on 27th Dec.
Is worse! it'll be over less than 3days! wth!
During the camp, i saw. .
Unity, Love, Charity, Meekness and Zealous-ness. hmmm!
This Missionary Conference was successful!
it's our first time having our church camp, OVER the SEA.
I really love it.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
8:33 PM ; ohman.
Church Camp'07 was a blast! came back this morning, about 0100++our flight was actually delayed. people from 11nations came together! what a experienced!went to the top of the mountain. super fun! on Saturday morning, we checked out at around 1030, and our flight was like at 2000?after checking out, there were coaches for us. we went to shopping mall and spend the rest of our time there. last day, we were like noisy. enjoying ourselves! just fade? hhahaaa, my Kakis and i all in the same coach. hmmmmmmmm. im kind of tired, so i'll just post briefly. alright, i felt rich for once! bubble gums sold for 30cents? food at foodcourt, Philippines cost $1+ and Singapore cost $5-6+. wooooo! warmly greeted by the people there, policemen for us. security check every 30mins? we really felt important for once! every morning, breakfast served at 0630-0800.after that we have Messages by different Pastors, right up to 1230 for lunch. and free time, and then dinner. after dinner, messages again until 2200. but it was really enjoyable! in the airport, most of the Teens bought small guitar, is really nice. since we bought quite a few, we got it at a cheaper rate. while waiting, we sang songs, played the small guitars! singing all our childhood songs! hahaaa. board the plane, once it take off, we walked around the plane, up and down. played UNO, sing songs. we were quite noisy, there were only a few there werent from my church. and they've got to bare the noise! later part, there was a short game in the plane, and there was prizes! only the last hour of the ride, the plane was very quiet. cus we all slept! super tired! reached home about 0200+. woke up at 1145, get ready for church. the feeling was like, as if we were still in church camp! i think i'll just let the pictures do the rest of the talking. really tired! (: i love them all. pictures: