Sunday, March 30, 2008
8:39 PM ; hahaaa.
Back from church. We saw it, felt it, knows what's it about! So what does Friends really mean? What's Friendships all about? I dont see the point in it? Is just a waste of time. I feel lost and confuse. I'll just go to school, and have my fun there. (: Somehow, i still miss them; and i hate it.
Friday, March 28, 2008
10:48 PM ; sch.
How's was your day?Ohwell mine? Here it goes . . . Schoool asusual, during assembly we watched a vedio on Sean, one of our Ex-schoolmate. he died from cancer. it was really touching! At that moment, you can just feel the presence of Silence.After assembly, went for Chinese structure class, then POA and then CHOIR- Slack time. didnt really slack, did some "work". about 1700 went back home. then had tuition till 2130. Im so glad there isnt piano lesson tmr, as is a 5th Saturday. no Youths too, cus there's Missionary Conference choir- Recording. From 1500-1800. HMMM!In the night will be having Science tuition, with Nicholas' brother, Timothy. i think, somehow guys are better in Science than girls? Kinda funny, or rather awkward, Saturday is Timothy and Sunday is Nicholas. I dont understand; i think i've wasted my time on those friendships. Is no longer the old YOUs. Stop going round asking people, like as if there's no tomorrow. Don't you know how badly it reflects on YOUs. Thinking about all these, saddens me. Either i don't understand YOUs, or Myself. All in all, it still boils down to YOUs. It'll all come to an end; is just a matter of TIME.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
5:27 PM ; hmm
What a Life.
School asusual. No structure lesson, the thing that i've longeth for. Wohooo!
after school, went to popular at compass point then went home.
Tuition tonight.
alright, i'll just end here. i've no idea what to update about.
I was told once, but yet forgotten.
Mention it not, those things i yet to realize.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
8:59 PM ; church ann.
Happy Easter Sunday and Happy 20th Church Anniversary!Played for filippino service today, once it ended, had to hurry up to English service for short practice with the children's choir. today service, had Adult's choir and Children's. Message was quite long today, i did fell asleep, it wasnt on purpose though! Had dinner in church, buffet. paid at least 15bucks per person, asusual my group one table! After our meal, we went back in to the Auditorium. And what! we played with the younger kids, Ice and Fire! it was quite enjoyable! Anyway, yesterday we had games session! Went to Jas's EX school, as Adrian was a PE teacher there. Used their hall, guys played floorball and girls played captain ball. played badminton too. as it was raining, in the end GCM came over to the school too. our youths, didnt had any message, played thru out! How impossible. He's cool (:
Friday, March 21, 2008
10:42 PM ; church.
woke up at 0700, had to be in church at 0830 as today was Good Friday.
Played for the children's choir today and also for the Chinese Service.
had lunch in church.
alright, tmr going for piano lesson, and then Youths outing.
more of game session, floorball.
and if there's alot of girls going, then there'll be captain ball.
i dont know, i dont really feel like going.
Im just so confuse.
Stop waiting, the answer.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
9:29 PM ; .
Sometimes friends around you, disapoint you. but i believe they'll change one day. Is ThankYou too hard to say?
Friday, March 14, 2008
8:29 PM ; choir.
Choir, choir, choir! I wonder what's choir about?
This afternoon went to Bishan, had lunch with Shina, her sister and Yy.
went to MOS Burger, EX! but its ok.
Walked around, then went back to school, Shina took her POA book.
Yy and i went for choir. we were late, but its ok.
Sectionals were boring, asusual. the leaders are bad at it too, not all though, but SOME!
what's with the EYEING on the seniors? Leaders? You'r not that big either.
It's just a name you gave yourself.
since my name isnt in the attendance list either, why should you bother if i should sing or not.
ohman! whatever.
Anyway, Yy and i attended choir for like 30mins and we left for our "remedial".
before going back home, went to get some stuffs printed.
So happened, remedial ended the same time as choir. Hmmmm!
at the bus stop saw Katrina, and she told me what about it. Ohman! it's really AMAZing.
It sounded Positive! but how true can it be?
Alright, tmr piano class at 1030-1230. 2HOURS!
Youths, it had been 2weeks i havent been attending, so i feel kinda awkward.
i guesss, that's all for today.
Because, you'll be gone again.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
12:41 PM ; yeah.

Motivation as one can say.
Is all about dream, we'r talking about.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
7:56 PM ; (:
alright, yesterday was back home about 2200.
went for dinner at RiverPalace, celebrated my granduncle birthday.
i saw my distant or distance cousins. they'r both half Thai, as their mum's a thai.
She's my mum cousin. the girl look like a Jap and guy, ohman!
He's good looking, a real gentleman. Hahaha!
My table wasted lots of food.
Because we ordered quite a no. of side dish, and we didnt know when the main dish is coming.
So yeah, when the main dish came, some of the food were repeated.

Anyway, just this morning went to grandmum house, then went for piano lesson.
after which, my family went to Ikea and Giant. bought a new shelf for meee.
we spent quite alot at Giant.

Alright gtg. shall post more later on!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
1:32 PM ;
12:19 AM ; i miss the sight of you.
Sometimes people become a little confused. I'll let the picture explain it all.
12:01 AM ; (:
Monday, March 10, 2008
10:54 AM ;

credit to Shina (:
Anyway i just want to say, i Love my class and i hope it'll last.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
10:53 PM ;
I've lost that sight of You. I miss You so.
9:54 PM ; hey.
Yesterday JJ Fair was not too bad.
Alright, this will be the last one. Im so worn out by this fair!
lazy to post about it.
Cousin, i hope you'll be fine!
tmr got to go back to school for choir.
I think Vanessa wont be going.
Anna will be! will be meeting Yy at 1330 first.
CHOIR now to me, is so meaningless.
Alright im still so tired!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
4:14 PM ; lalaaa
you're that someone,
that i'll think of in the midst of my confusion.
why or how you are the one,
i do not know.
we havent met for years,
but, you're remembered.
but when we see each other,
face to face, yet we do not talk.
there seems to be a thick wall between us.
i guess, there isn't any fate.
so we will just go our separte way.
sometime later, i'll see you again.
And im very sure, i will.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
10:07 PM ; sakae
finish doing geography homework. school asusual, after school went with Shina, YiYuan, Daniel and Surkato? Yup, we went to J8, Sakae. It was quite dumb, we were having a battle on FOOD! Shina, Yy and i VS Daniel and Surkato. Anyway, they still win us.Ohyes, Shina and i bought 2pairs of socks each. Nice socks we've got (: Alright, after Sakae, Daniel and Surkato went home or something. Shina, Yy and i went to library to do POA. Went to one of the cabin? Took some photos. After awhile, Shina left first cus she had tuition. Yy and i started doing POA, he called his friend to come and help. And so happened, a group of guys from BPS came and create torubles?At least, they were about to. They were outside the library, kept looking up and throwing stuffs up. Just because Yy just happned to look at them, or what? To them is Stare? They kept hanging outside the library. In the end they came up, they sat around us. Is so retard! I just asked one of them, asked if there is anyything, and they say nothing. One of the loser said, "dont play crap already, waste time only. go to J8 create nonsense better."wth, i think they've got no life. such losers! Creating torubles for themselves, fools! Anyway, took a cab home, if not i'll reach home late! Hmmm, carnival this sat. wonder what's like? Those thoughts of You; they're killing me.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
10:42 PM ; random.
Yeah, church asusual. was serving in Filippino fellowship today.
anw, i've got some pictures to upload, just random pictures.
This picture was taken on sat, went with Yiyuan and Shina to sell tickets, besides going to HDB houses. then later we decided to go to private houses. alright, the houses were BIG! RICH PEOPLE!quite a number of generous people! Some had big house, but stingy in giving! that's sad!

(: Those eyebags!

taken while talking to Marcel.

this morning, had tuition. when Nicolas went to the washroom,
then just randomly took.

ohyes! bought this tiger for Timothy. it was his bday last week. gave it to him after church, was afraid he didnt like it! but he said he likes it! so happy! hahhhaaa, it's as big as him! is not that cheap though! but worth it! (: Then he said bye to me in korean! wohoooo! So cutee!

hey! i saw a bag, which cost 100plus cus it's leather. Hmmmm.
I think let's end it; chapter closed.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
8:19 PM ; youths pic.