Friday, June 27, 2008
10:58 PM ; i think i like..
At times, there are things that we ourselves dont even realized.How could it be? I refused to believe.
I told myself, this will never happen, Never!
What if, Im just thinking too much? I think I am.
School as usual.
This morning, we had this, rushing-ness for morning assembly. Jy just love it so.
I just cant wait for the weekends! Tomorrow is the day. (: I love it.
During assembly, had some talk.- Rather, Life Testimony.
It took so long, I kept looking at the clock ticking away.
We were supposed to have POA struct. lesson, but no lesson was conducted though.
Went to MsCheong's homeroom, she gave us Papers and had a talked with us.
She didnt want to hold us back, cus of the assembly which held us up!- Nice of her.
Came back home straight, saw Mr.Lame downstair.
Aziza came over. Hahaha, we had some chit-chats instead. (:
Was talking to Jy online. How lame we were, Very!
I'll upload the conver.
Wont be going for music lesson tmr.
Will be home, until time for Youths. I want to get the guitar bag! Errr.
Im the guitarist tmr though. Haiz, I want a new guitar bag.
The old one is spoiling my guitar!
Will be having Nicolas over tmr night. Haven't even had time to do any practices.
I've really fallen into that trap.
Why did I.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
11:29 PM ; regrets.
The regrets of Life.
Have been busy with books and papers the past few days.
It's really tiring, i feel so tired every morning as I get up.
My eyes just seems to be giving way, and I keep falling asleep in the bus.
School asusual.
Had POA for 3periods!
Anyway, during CF we had some talks from NYP.
About the courses and stuffs that we needed to know.
NAFA might be one of my choice.- still praying and thinking about it though.
There wasnt English struct. class, had it online!
It's super annoying! Firstly, most of us didnt have our English TYS with us.
Mr White sent us the answers only.
Thanks to Shanni, she scanned for us.
The uploading of files were so annoying too.
Now my Email, is full of the notifications of who had upload it and stuffs.
Irritating, you know!
Had to keep going from room to room, signing in and out of msn.
Cus comp has the software, havent install in Lapt.
That's about it for today.
Alright! Yesterday, after school met N with Shina.
Had lunch, and guess what happened?
I wont mention.
The guilt.
Friday! That's tmr.
The weekend's coming, cant wait, BUT prelims' coming too.
Ohyes, my Chinese Oral is on 2nd July. Err.
Anyway, tmr there'll be POA struct. class.
In the evening POA again.
Hmm, how random though. Im just rushing though the post.
Was it all a mistake.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
10:30 PM ; I miss him.
No, Please, NO. School, is such a dragged!
Im so unwilling to wake up so early.
I miss Church.
I miss everyone in Chruch.
I just Love being there; all the comforts.
Seeing all the Joys on their faces, makes me Smile too. (:
I Love them All.
I bought marshmallows, for Shina. -Hope You see this. (:
I hope there isnt Struct. class tmr.
Was talking to Brandon, and we were saying, the weekdays will be kinda dragg,
and Im waiting for the weekends!
Weekends hurry.
But school isnt that bad afterall.
Will get to see my schoolmates.
At least there's communications, unlike staying at home. -Bored.
Ohyes, and lately I had alot of weird, funny and nice dreams.
Those people involved? Hahaha.
I've no idea why they'r in there.
Alright, turning in to bed.
Let's be happy, cus SHOOL's tmr!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
10:47 PM ; ..
All those Confusions.
Talked to some people today.
Shelly, Mick, Kevin. -rather 3 poeple.
Our conver. were almost the same.
Sometime the way people speaks or even their actions towards one,
can be very confusing. And how it really affect one.
Oh Wells.
Went for Piano lesson today, as usual.
There wasnt Youths today, due to Adrian's Wedding.
But my family didnt go, as Dad had something on.
It was all the way at Calvary Pandan.- It's really far.
Heard from Brandon, not many church people went.
I guess, partly is becus we'r not very close to him.
Anyway, was supposed to have tuition with Timothy,
but Nicolas didnt really want to switch with him, so Yeah.
Church tmr, will be serving in Chinese Service.
After which, had to help out in the Children's Choir.
Argh! So fast and school's starting.
Im so reluctant, having to wake up at 0515 again!
And exams, once school start.
Chinese O'level Oral starting on Thursday or so.
Im so dead.
Alright, turning in to bed early today.
Everyone goes thru different set of trials in life.
I guess that's what You call, LIFE.
The way I feel about You.
Im just wondering, How is it like.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
9:20 PM ; upset.
I've no idea why Im having this feeling.
Somehow, it kinda bothering me; But I dont have any reasons to be.
I dont know Why.
Had tuition today.
Will be home the whole day tmr, Unless. . . yeah.
Talking to Brandon, he's so HIGH. While, Im like so Low.
Forget it, shall not post.
I need that doze.
Updates at 2300
Im sooooo Happy! (:
But how long will it last?
It doesnt matter.
I had enough of those doze.
12:13 AM ; ..
Morning People.
Today's another day.
The day before was History.
Ytd was a day of Sadness and Joy-ness.
Something happened, and it amazed me too.
I wonder if I really did. . for into the trap.
Had tuition with Timothy.
As usual, he's always eye-ing on Piano scores.
So in the end, he brought home some scores.
On Tuesday, went down to CRC.
Took a cab down, had to reach there by 1430.
Reached there just in time.
Woo, was I surprised to see Brandon there, chopping.
He was there so early.
Chatted with him for awhile.
Went up to the studio to do the recordings of Pastor's scripture in songs.
I finished about 1600, by then Brandon left for tuition.
And the young ones like, Timothy, David, Duaine and Dorothy came.
They had some recordings with Pastor too.
Timothy's so CUTE! He told JieJieMelissa he wants to sing.
So he sang, "He's Able". Then I helped him to play.
He's so cuteeeee, even the way he sang.
Sharon, Ruth and Kamala in the end also came up.
He was so excited to sing, with much enthu.
Ohyeah, and he taught me how to say '123456789' in korean.
Anyway, I left them and went down to do my own work.
About 1800, Aunty Hye Yong came with Dn Pual to pick up Timothy.
So they waited downstair.
Aunty Hye Yong taught me some korean language.
Wooo. It's really nice.
Close to 1830, we all left to Sing.Post for Prayer Meeting.
Quite a big turn up, or maybe just that I hardly attend due to school.
Surprised to see my cousin- Thought he'll be busy with NS.
Well, cus he's having holiday.
Pastor shared some stuffs.
It's really sad.
I could see God's wrath.
Time and time again, God saved us from our sins.
But yet we took it for granted.
He, he's a smart young man.
Completing his studies soon, becoming a doc.
Becus of temptations, he fall into sin.
God saved him, his family came to know the Lord.
Things went well.
I guess, when things went well, they backslided.
And that's when he, started going back to his old habits.
This time, things really went bad.
Life was ruin, or was it coming to an end?
Brethren encouraged him by his side, he did acknowledge.
Now, it's between Him and God.
Things happened for a purpose.
Maybe thru these trials and difficulties, they as a family will come back to God.
Trusting in him.
We ought to be mindful, checking ourselves at time.
Just becus everything seems to go well, we dont seek God.
Please dont let go of me, I would plead.
Cantata. -Special event for our church, this coming Oct.
I wished I'll be involved, there's Os.
Later, I'll be having tuition.
Aziza will be coming, Nicolas too.
Did I really fall into the trap?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
11:01 AM ; ,,,,,,,,
Ohman, it's really Amazing, with all the smiling faces.
Kevin did it on MSN.
The first time when I saw it, I just thought. .
"yeah, thanks for sending all the smiling faces, but why with angry faces too?"
Then he said, those 'angry' faces, is to make my name standout.
Sharks, then I saw my name! LOL.
Anyway, later after lunch, i'll be going down to CRC for recordings.
Think about 16oo, some children will be there for recordings with Pastor too.
Will stay until prayer meeting, tonight.
Yesterday, Mum went to A&E with Dad.
Her face swelled up, due to some allergy.
It was really bad. Went to 24hours clinic, but it doesnt help either.
I really thank God for friends, who stand by me,
Gave me the encouragements that I needed.
They've been a blessing to Me. (:
Though some, they really upset me, their change in life and stuffs.
But what could we do, Just pray.
God works in a mysterious way.
Past few weeks, thru many life, I've seen how God wonders work in them.
Saving them out from difficulties and from all the worldliness.
I love this verse.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
Monday, June 16, 2008
3:56 AM ; morning.
Blessed Birthday, XiangYong!
Unlikely he'll read.
Ohyes, yesterday in church we sang a birthday song to him.
Our group asusual were sitting in the auditorium.
We called him in.
And Jas asked him, if he ever played a game call. . . "1 2 3".
She said, if you say "123" something will happen and asked him to try.
XiangYong really did, so he went "123".
And we all sang him the song.
Hahaha! It was a nice one. (:
He told me, he was really surprised!
Anyway, im still fully awake at such hour.
Thanks to the coffee. (:
This early morning, had been talking to Gloria and Daniel Hadi.
They'r my primary school friends.
We got to meet up!
Esp, Gloria and I crapped alot about primary school days.
Really funny!
Now im talking to BengWee.
He got off day for NS tmr.
That's the reason.
Im like reading my chemistry, listening to music and msn-ing.
Just talked to my mum, cus she went to eat medicine.
She was like, you'r still awake!
She didnt scold me though. (:
Later afternoon, i'll be having tuition.
There's two paths in a friendship.
Either take a step forward, or a step backward.
So which path will You take?
How's Your departure?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
8:41 PM ; She did that on purpose
Whatever that's for?
Served today, at Filipino 's fellowship.
After which, went for Main service.
Sad, had to sit alone today.
Dad was the usher, Brother had to sing,
and Mum stayed at home as she wasnt feeling well.
Supposed to sit with my cousin, and he came late.- As usual.
Oh, and Mrs Mah gave me a gift, cus Mother's day i gave her something. (:
This coming week, there'll be Combine Youths Conference.
Not sure if I want to go, is so far! Shall seee.
Stayed on for Children Choir practice.
Then went home.
Alright, not in the mood to update.
Suddenly feeling so mood-less!
Those conversation.
Like what Dvd said, Sometimes people disappoints You.
If You guys are smarter? Shouldnt You guys be sensitive too?
Friday, June 13, 2008
3:55 PM ; hmmm.
Punggol's Sunset.

Aunt and grandma just left home.
And they bought so many things for us.
No one's home again.
Finished reading thru the Physic Textbook.
This week, i'll just do all the reading only.
Maybe next week then concentrate more on paper work!
Youths tmr, Evangelism.
This post is so random.
. . . . .
I believe You will.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
10:54 PM ; Pasar Malam
Pasar Malam.
Wooo. Had tuition this morning.
Then spent my time finishing Music theory.
But, still havent complete it.
Anyway, Piano lesson was at 1615.
Hate scales.
That Loser called, then Daniel, Chan and Shelly called in too.
How nice, Incoming call freeeeeee! (:
Crapped alot.
But it was really nice, talking to them. -The old time.
Reached home, Timothy was here; brother had tuition.
After awhile, Mum and I went down to PasarMalam.
It had been years since we've been to one!
When we stayed at LV, I've never been to PasarMalam.
As, there's never one.
I miss LV and the nice people there.
Mum bought plants.
Bought some kinda Turkish food and snacks.
Mum bought for Timothy also, cus he had to go back to camp.
Hurried on the English assignments.
Tmr's the due date.
Err, it's so irritating, having to search for passage and thinking of questions.
Im glad, im finally done with it.
And dont know why today, chat with so many people.
Helped Jackson do some survey thing.
How time flies, he's alr in his final year in poly.
Ha, and he discouraged me from going to NYP- which is his sch.
Cus it's not fun.
Ohwell, I dont haven intention to go there either.
Brandon helped me in my EL. Finding of pictures.
Daniel helped me out in the questions.
Heard from Kevin, IT fair is on this week!
Sharks, I want to go.
Want to get the MightyMouse for my Mac.
Alright, tmr home the whole day.
Grandmother and aunt coming over.
Got to Mug on my Sciences and Humans.
My Dearest.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
2:21 PM ; mm..

Somehow, I just miss my Church friends.
I dont know, why the sudden thought.
Err! I just cant seems to get studying at home.
Anyway, I slept only at 0330 or so this morning, and woke up at 0945.
Printed compos and stuffs.
I've no idea, how Yy did his compo, all the spacings all messed up.
Elena, agreed on that too! He wanted us to reprint.
His compo, need 2 people to help. How nice of us. :|
Everyone goes thru different stage of thinkings.
Which I totally agree with DG.
Somehow, for that matter, it doesnt ring a bell to me.
So much to think of, yet nothing can be done.
Only, stay and think it thru.
The Looks and Expressions on Your face, doesnt speak from Your heart.
Or, do they?
And how would I know, if it's Ever so True.
Lean not unto our own understanding, I believe so.
Too many things to be considered.
Why not just give it up.
I'll just clapped and say, Well Done!
Im starting to see it coming thru.
12:54 AM ; Hmmm.
Morning People.
I just cant sleep.
At least there's accompaniment at such hour.
Sarah and Norman.
Few hours ago, was back from Prayer Meeting.
Went down to CRC this afternoon for recordings.
Recorded 5 songs only.
Then the Quintet came over and sang.
They harmonize really well.
While they had their recordings, I stayed down and did my work.
Woo, Uncle Kenneth desktop was full of Apple stuffs!
Anything to do with Mac.
Most of them in church office are using Mac.
Uncle Kenneth is really a great fan of Mac, and a good promoter.
About 1845, left CRC and went down to Church for Prayer Meeting.
Pastor is away for some ChurchCamp. So, ElderMah shared.
Prayed with Sharon and Esther.
Took a cab home.
Am I supposed to be comforted by those looks?
Tell me, will You.
So, what will I be doing later?
At 1530, got to go for MrHogan's class.
Got to print out compos later.
Alright, turning in to bed.
And see you, Mr Daniel Goh, Mr Melvin Ang and Chan ma-di Chan.
Monday, June 09, 2008
8:24 PM ; RP.
Back from CompassPoint.
This morning, companied Dvd down to school.
She needed to get stuffs from locker, so did i.
Supposed to be at RP-Republic Poly by 1030.
But we reached PHS at that time instead.
From there, headed down to RP.
We werent exactly sure of the way, just simply follow some RP students-
whom we think they are.
We gave up looking for the auditorium, though directions were given to us.
While waiting so see our people, had snack/lunch.
Food, not bad.
Thank God for wireless, and we got to serve the net.
Bet Dvd appreciated me alot, having to use my laptop. (:
We waited until we saw choir peeps going for their lunch.
About 1200plus, we were in the auditorium.
Mrs Wong was like . . "Hi girls, You can sit at the back." :/
We didnt mind, or rather, Dvd didnt mind.
Cus she wants to serve the net.
Rehearsal started.
The GuZheng was not bad. They played Canon in D, with two violinists and a cellist.
Choir Alumni sang, WuYueTian by S.H.E.- no music.
Lots of efforts put in, not too bad. Some parts needed polish.
But i really think that, able to come together and sing like this/that, is really good.
Choir with Band, was quite good. Both together, sounds nice.
Well, Dvd and I left a 1600. Dvd had church.
So I dont see the point of us going. Hmmmm.
When MrsWong saw us leaving, she went . .
"Oh girls, You all are leaving? I hope you all didnt come here for nothing... "
I understand, I think she really felt bad.
The truth was, we really went there for nothing.
Anyway, took bus 965 to SengKang.
Met Jovin at Mac. to study.
Amazingly, he study!- You'll know what i mean if you knew him since Pri. Sch.
Wooo, totally different.
Went there like, for 2hours or so.
Started on my compo again, but still no improvement since I left RP.
Then changed to Physic.
Not bad, he really knows his sciences well.
Is kinda cool, still keeping in contact with Pri. sch friends.
Most of my Pri. sch friends are all staying in the East.
East, as in Simei, Tamp, PasirRis areas.
Except Jovin, he stays in Punggol too.
What a comfort. :/
We talked about who and who had changed.
And this world is really small.
No ones ' home.
Bro went for violin lesson.
Alright, tmr i've got to go down to CRC for recordings again.- After so long.
Children will be going down too.
I'll just stay there until night. Then follow them for Prayer Meeting.
Will be meeting Mum there.
I guess, there's no point holding You back.
You're dismiss.
Why the You.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
9:47 PM ; Sunday.
Why the Turn-Away?
Oh, and Flora played for Chinese Service instead of me.
Hmmm, Aunty Diana forget to tell me.
Its ok.
During break time, talked to two botak guys.
Cousin and Andy.- They do looked weird.
Sad, they have to book in to camp right after church.
Anyway, Norman bought Rubik's Cube for us, girls.- How nice.
He bought it from HongKong, its kinda cute, different faces of expression.
Think i better not mess it up, since i dont have a clue how to solve it.
We all just stayed in the auditorium and Chit-Chat.
While Norman's psp attracted the Teens.
So, a large group we were.
Pastor saw us and went, "Isnt Youths fellowship on Saturday?"
Hahaha. Had Bible Study.
But I didnt stay, had to help out in Children Choir.
It was as if we knew what was going on.
The looks and expressions.
Being childish? Are we?
No turn-up on . .
Tuesday, Saturday?
Went to Eastpoint for dinner.
Went to Popular, NTUC and stuffs.
And finally, HOME.
Tmr, will be meeting Dvd in school first.
Want to get stuffs from locker.
Then we'll head down to RP for the Rise and Shine rehearsal.
Think we'll just have to waste our time and hang around there till finale item.
Hope to leave by 1600.
Might be meeting Jovin to study.
Well, see how it goes.
Why the rush?
Saturday, June 07, 2008
11:14 PM ; House warming.
Was it True or Not?
It wasnt comforting, no, no more.
It was amazing, the fellowship and food.
Got to wash my Sheep Skin!
All the young ones were stepping on it.
Friday, June 06, 2008
3:02 PM ; o0o
Wohoo! Got my skin protector. Boy, it was really hard to stick it.
Originally, then later with the protector. (:
Today lessons were alright!
But MrLau's lesson was so much of a fun.
He ordered for us MacChicken.
And he asked the stuffs, "do you have MacGoose". Hahaha!
Is really funny, thinking about that.
Got back report slip.
Hmmm, what more can I say?
There's room for improvement!
Craps! I went to his blog!
Wth, he took jw and I.- And we look really weird and funny.
So that was the picture he took and showed around.
Tuition later.
It all happened.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
10:25 PM ; MM..
Somehow, I wasnt prepared for this day.
Though I already knew it will happen one day.
Do I choose to believe it or not?
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
11:32 PM ; prayer meeting
Back from church.- Prayer Meeting. How encourage i am, listening to how others were being encouraged too.
I love hearing testimony or life-story from brethren in the CareMinistry.
When CareMinistry first started out, i didnt really give a thought about those people there.
Well over the years, i do.
Seeing how CareMinistry have grown, and also in their walk with God.
Every Sunday after service, they'll all be in their group, sitting there.
Hardly see them mingling with our church people. I dont blame them, maybe there were afraid how others might think of them? In this world, when others learn that you'r ex-convict, they'll tend to draw a distance away? I guess, this' how they might feel.
Like for today, during prayer meeting, some of them had a prayer list asking us to pray for their family members, that somehow they'll come to know of the salvation.
Pastor then mentioned one of the guy items, by the name of, A.- Just random name.
And said, "A, your dad called. . . John would you like to tell A the conversation?."
Uncle John then stood up and said,
"Your dad is very concern for You, and he loves you. He hope you can get out of your bad habits, and continue to walk close to God."
Ohman! It was so touchng. A just nodded his head.
Im sure his parents are very happy.
Like-wise the othes in CareMinistry, their family members will too be happy.
I guess, somehow it was an eye-opening for me. (:
The thoughts I had; I knew is impossible.
12:08 PM ; Mac
Macbook, is just so coool.
You can be really amazed by all the features.
And the skin protector itself, is about 50 bucks, lots of nice designs.
Alot of people had been telling me, once you use Mac, you'll never want to try others?
Well, i guess partly becus of the features itself.
You'll just keep wanting to explore, the more you use it.
Uncle Kenneth just msged me, asking "Hi are you a proud owner of Macbook".
Guess he heard from mum. There's DVBS this whole week, so mum and bro are there to help out. How i miss my childhood time, i really love DVBS camps!
Anyway, back to school tmr. Lesson start at 0730 right up to 1230.
In the evening, there's MrHogan class.
Like-wise for Thurs, lesson at 0730!
Oh, new refrigerator coming in, kinda cool, can set up password. Hahaha!
Most likely, Saturday some church peeps will be coming over to my house, the ex NBS group.
And some families whom we've known for years. (:
That's about it. Waking up early tmr, im so sick of it.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
12:00 PM ; hmmm
Sunday. (:
Ohwell, ytd BBQ wasnt that fun.
Basically, just went there for to eat?
No programmes, cus it was raining.
Anyway, the rain did stopped, Jw, Brandon and i didnt help much.
We just sat there and Chit-Chat.
Food just kept coming to us, we've no idea what are we supposed to do either.
Later we went to find Jasmine and Jollyn.
Gosh! We were at AreaG and they were all the way at AreaC!
It took more than hour for us to be back at the meeting area.
On our way back, they called and said they were leaving soon.
Both the girls havent even eat.
This time bbq, poor planning, sorry to say that. Hmm!
Went back so fast. Dad was surpirsed to see me back home so early.
Uncle Jeremy, sent all of us to Bedok Mrt Station.
We all sat in the CareMinistry lorry.
What a bumpy ride.
Feet suffered from blister.
Alright, Church later, and today's is Children Choir Practice, got to help out.
Gonna check out what they have later.
Macbook, either today or tmr. (:
So, back to school tmr at 0930 for Maths and English.