Sunday, July 27, 2008
7:30 PM ; sunday.
The wonderful Sunday.
Back from church early today.
Didnt stay for Bible-Study, supposed to have Aziza over.
But last minute she couldnt make it.
Went to church early today, served in Filipino Service.
Then went up for English Service.
During children's sermon, Pastor asked them ...
"Do you know who died for your sins?"
Total silence, for few seconds.
And Timothy from the top, where I was sitting, shout.. "Jesus."
Ohman, the way he said it was so cutee.
When people turned and looked, he was sooo shy!
And I saw my botak cousin. Wonder if Xiang Long knows him. Hmmm, shall ask .
Anyway, during sermon, Pastor told us this joke.
It got us laughing.
This old lady, has a daughter-in-law, who always curse her infront of the parrot.
Saying .. "Lord, Please send a lightning to kill this woman."
Whenever the old lady walk pass the parrot, the parrot would say it to her..
As the old lady was a catholic, she went to find her priest one day,
and asked him to help.
The priest said, "My parrot is holy, place it beside your parrot, maybe it can help. "
So, she brought it home and place it beside her parrot.
The next day, when she came out of her room, her own parrot said ..
"Lord, please send a lightning and kill this woman."
And the priest's parrot said .. "Lord, here this prayer, Amen."
Hahha, those parrots.
During break time, had choir practice again.
But at least had a short fellowship.
And Juowi manage to fix that Cube thing!
Ohyes, this coming Friday is Brandon's bday. -I know what to get. (:
Went to NTUC bought our daily stuffs, and went home.
Alright, back to school tmr. I dont feel like going, since there isn't POA.
Shall seee how. Most likely I will.
Byeee. Back to my, DACK -All in His honour.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
10:32 PM ; it was fun.
We've got our stories to tell.
School was asusual.
During assembly, we had Racial Harmony Celebration.
What a celebration! I feel that, it was in a mess.
Had POA struct. lesson.
Suppose to be having test and stuffs. But it didnt turn out to be. (:
Yiyuan and Shanni went to collect the cake we ordered, right after assembly.
The rest of us went back to class, and waited for MsCheong.
Anyway, MsCheong kinda suspected what we were up to.
Surprised her with the cake. Hmm, was she even surprise?
Due to all the delays, celebrations and enjoyment?
Ofcos, we wouldnt want any lessons or test to ruin the fun.
Yeah, the cake was nice.
We ended early! Hohohohoho.
Took train down to Orchard, met Norman. -Asusual, he's late.
Went to Lido, watched Dark Knight. Wooo, it was really nice! Great.
That Joker. -Just like the story Im reading now, Double Cross.
Showed ended about 1745.
We met Brandon at Borders. He came to kill his time.
Went over to ZARA. Then to Wisma, and I dont think Timothy bought his bag from there.
Cant remember where exactly we went, all over orchard, that's for sure!
We went to FarEast and walked around.
Then Brandon left about 1900, as he got to be back in school for some play.
While we continued shopping.
Norman bought shirts or T-shirts. -We had an issue over that though.
After which, went over to Heeren and there he goes again. Rich kid.
Alright, some SPY corrected some errors I had. -Asshole.
Left about 2000, took a train from Somerset.
When I was about to go in, someone kinda gave me a push.
Yiyuan! It was him. He was going for some dancing or stuffs.
Got home about 2045. Supposed to complete task, but was toooooooo tired!
Smsed halfway, and left the msg hanging. -Eyes closed.
Was awake at 0400, phone still in my hand, saw Cornelius and Norman msg but didnt read.
Then was awake at 0500 again, and replied them. And fell back to sleep again.
Cancel piano lesson today, had Nicolas over this morning.
Went thru Maths Paper2.
Quickly got ready for Youths, went down to church earlier.
Had to help Brandon in choosing the songs. It was his first time chairing.
And I was the guitarist.
Remembering those time, when we girls had to do the chairing too.
-The old times.
Quite a good turn-out today.
Ohyes! And what, Norman read finished 7thHeaven.
Jas and I didnt believe, a guy, you know?
Wondering if he skipped some pages.
But he said, he'll tell me the story. Hmmmm, He tell me? Yeah, he TELL me.
All those who read, agreed it was a nice book. An unexpected ending.
People, read 7thHeaven -James Patterson. (:
Hahha, and he wants to get more of his books.
And he claimed, for 5years, 7thHeaven was the only book he read. -Completely.
Will be lending to Jas tmr.
It's niceeeeeeee.
Anyway, Im reading DoubleCross.
After watching Dark Knight, I've a better picture of the book Im reading now.
Joker in Darknight plays the same role as DCAK- the killer, in DoubleCross.
All in His honour.
DCAK goes round killing people, leaving clues for the Detectives.
Set up website, blogs and chat-rooms.
Following some character in stories.
A real joker, he could be. I mean it, Joker.
Shall stop it. It freaks me out.
Alright, I cant read it in the night.
It's really scary, the way the story is being written.
Serving tmr at Filippino Service.
Sad, weekends is coming to an end. Looking forward for the next weekends. (:
Night, People.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
6:30 PM ;
Part Two.
Earlier this afternoon, went with family to Punggol Plaza to get some groceries.
That place is slightly better than LoyangPoint though.
Anyway, heard there's POA homework, but I dont have it, so yeah.
English summary and Socialstudies.
Tmr, it'll be a longggg day for me.
Of cos, school asusual and Geo struct. class. Until about 1600.
Might be going to AMKhub with Shina.
Then tuition at 1800 at Sembawang.
Hurry, Hurry! Bring in the weekends! (:
Saved to Serve.
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." -Philippians 1:9-11
And I still cant remember what I wanted to post.
Understanding Your Conscience.
12:55 PM ; hyyo
Took a break from school today.
Stay home and self-study is better, I seriously think so.
Just that, the FUN isnt there.
I wanted to post about something, but my memory just fails me.
Shall update later then.
What a horror.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
10:08 PM ; sunday.
What a Blessed Sunday.
Had Timothy over this morning.
Ohman. I like his bag, from French Connection.
What a disaster my bro brought upon.
Anyway, went to church slightly early.
As Dad was the usherer, and I had to serve in the Chinese Service.
How nice of Jas and Jo, companied me.
Since Chinese service ended early, we stayed and played with Jas's FRIEND psp.
After which, we went up to the English Service, just nice, they ended too.
It was break time, helped in the children's choir. -Didnt had time for fellowship. ):
Right after practice, it was Bible Study time.
But B.S was different today, we watched a video of the Team who went to Cebu last week.
Very nice, with the background music.
Sad, I missed out the front part though, went to pass Norman the book, and went in late!
I didnt bring my spec! Sat right at the back with Brandon and Brendan (bro).
But most of the time, Brandon and I were talking.
Oh Hahha! Held a mini library fair!
Lend Jas the book, The City of Falling Angels.
A true story that happened in Venice. -Sounded like SocialStudies.
And brought a few other books for her to choose.
Then lend Norman, 7th Heaven.
Had dinner at Sing.Post.
Went home after that. (:
School tmr!
Supposed to have tuition tmr, but cancelled.
Next week, hectic plan, I suppose? Or maybe not.
The Probability of having tuitions . . .
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or even maybe Sunday night.
Friday, maybe going with Norman to Wrisma for some shops. -To be confirmed.
Want to look for bags, he's influence to get a bag too.
Ohyes! And I want to get that FILE! -That $48 file.
Went to French Connection website, didnt see what I wanted to see. -That bag.
Hopefully the shops will have it.
Alright, that's about it.
Lights Off.
I love my Sunday.
Friday, July 18, 2008
2:49 PM ; hmm.

Isnt my cousins lovely.
Shelly Ericson has really grown.
She's soo Sweet.
And my new little cousin with her.
They'll be here on Oct! -O level. ):
Hell0. Back early today yeah.
Supposed to stay for POA and then Geo struct. class.
Since there wasnt any assembly, had POA instead. Did Paper1 test.
How lucky, Geo struct. class was cancel.
Havent been posting the past few days, just wasnt in the mood.
Too many things had occupied my mind.
I've been thinking alot lately.
School was full of laughter today. (: -Especially during Geo class.
Teased Yy about the radio broadcasting yesterday.
He was on Air with his team, 100.3FM.
Results, results!
Something must be done.
Tuition later this evening. Aziza coming over.
Nicolas will be coming tmr. Got back Maths Paper, so yeah.
Youths tmr? Hmmm, I guess yeah!
Weekends is tmr, but it pass so fast. Haiz!
How am I going to share it with You?
Am I suppose to?
I dont understand, why it only happens now.
Im in the wrong path man!
We are different. -Totally.
Im starting to see it come thru.
Monday, July 14, 2008
12:46 AM ; MM..
I know why Im happy. (: -Partly becos that was the reason.
Had that conversation, it was on going.
I need to be talk to. I need a sharing buddy!
So what if Im happy, but Im really confuse now.
That look that I saw yesterday.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
10:18 PM ; church.
I simply love church. (: Served with Jas in English Service today. -Enjoyable. Pastor isnt in church today, he and team went to Cebu for Anni. Rev Tan preached instead. Ended really early, at about 1600 or so. During break time, helped the children's choir in the piano accompaniment. And, we realized there's wireless connection in Auditorium. But is not likely that we'll bring our laptop and use it there right? If we ever do!So anyway, we had chit-chats! It's fun having their accompaniment. Cliques; Jasmine, Jollyn, Norman, Juowi and Brandon. Ohwells, at least I consider them as my cliques. Evangelism today, but my family didnt go. My cliques; Oh! What a fun-loving bunch of people. :D Sad, this year church camp, most of them cant go, cos of their Poly. I guess, is only Jollyn and Brandon. -From my cliques. Haiz, how sad. Had tuition this evening, it wasnt a choice! Cos Nicolas couldnt make it on other day. Next week back to Saturday night. Went thru Vectors. Yeah, shopping tmr! With Anna, and maybe Dvd. Meeting Anna at Potong Pasir at 1130. Heyy! No school tmr! (: -ONLY my school. -Be Jealous. Alright, Im kinda High. Cos, Im really happy today. -I've no idea why. Everyday a Sunday, please?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
10:43 AM ; Enjoyable day.
Prelims 1 is over! And Im rejocing for that.
Yesteday had Science Paper1.
After that, went for breakfast at J8 with Dvd and Anna.
Stayed around and chat.
Then went to Toa Payoh -spelled like this?
Dvd had to sell the 2nd hand handphone.
Then went back to J8 again, to get back Anna's phone, which was sent for repair.
Anna and Dvd decided to come along and meet them.
Went to Somerset at 1230, they were late thouogh.
Anna and I wanted to buy bags! Well, we shall get it on Monday then.
The rest, bought clothes.
Each time I stepped in to NUM,
I'll think of the talks that Jas, Norman and I had. -The Guys thing.
Anna and Dvd didnt stay long as they had church.
So left us, we went to more SHOPS.
From somerset went to Orchard.
After Orchard, went to City Hall, to Suntec and Marina Square.
Went to Borders, Mac Epic centre, m0re and more NUM. Hahha!
Really tired.
Saw lots of weird people though.
Anyway, left City Hall about 1930.
Took train back to punggol, how unlucky,
train was stucked at one station for about 20mins or so.
Stand and stand. Tired, I was!
Feel really bad, that I wasnt able to attend Elena's early bday celebration.
Hope they had fun too.
Alright, getting ready for Piano lesson.
Dad sending me down.
It was nice hanging out yesterday too.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
12:01 AM ; a day out.
Hello, and Good Morning!
Overall, it was a good day. -Wednesday.
This morning, went to school like I used to.
Sat for POA paper1. OHNO! I dont know how to do.
I stared at the paper, and the paper stared back at me.
At first glance, I thought it was going to be OK.
Cos the topics look familiar, but the phrasing of questions were making me
so confused! I went.. ???????????
Errr! My cashbook and Bank Rec. didnt match, all becos of the
The rest of the qeuestions, I just did it for the sake of not leaving it blank.
MsCheong walked pass me and saw one question blank, said.. "draw my face?".
Oh, Whatever.
Im going to be so Dead.
Anyway, after POA paper, which ended at 0900. -Beautiful!
Hurried home, washed up, changed and left home.
Took bus34 down to airport to meet Jas at 1130.
And amazingly, Norman woke up early saying that he'll be meeting us too.
Went to T2, BurgerKing. Helped Jas in accounting. -Accrued Expenses.
Their questions are so different. Norman and I couldnt help much.
But we still did manage to do some questions.
After awhile, we started talking about People's life and stuffs.
Craps, disgusting, and.. and.. Funny too.
Sat there until 1515, then Norman wanted to go to Starbuck for drink.
Stayed there, continue our conversations until about 1600, went to TIMES.
Sad, CosmoGirl magazine now nothing much. I still prefer the old publisher.
Looked at books, saw my 7th Heaven book.
Ohyes, Mine. -2 people that I've lent to, said it was nice. And it really was!
Im looking for that same series, Women's Murderer Club. They didnt sell.
Jas bought, P.S I Love You.
Somehow, I think books are more interesting than the movies showed.
Left at 1630. Jas took train, Norman and I took bus 858 to Yishun.
He went to meet his friends for dinner and stuffs.
While I had to go for tuition at Sembawang.
The journey from Changi Airport to Yishun, only took 30mins,
which I expected 45mins. I was really early.
Anyway, took a train, one stop down to Sembawang.
Was meeting Elena at 1730, but I was there by 1700!
And, from now on, Tuition starts at 1800.
Had oral practice through out the whole of today tuition. Kinda slack though.
Asusual, lots of craps.
I still like the one.. about the restaurant called, "Just Steak".
The meal in "Just Steak" cost about hundred bucks,
just for a meal. -If Im not wrong.
And Darren told MrHogan that he can get it for free. Cos, "Just Take". Hahha.
Not forgetting, MrHogan shared about his experience in Clarke Quay.
Where, by midnight, those guys who dressed up like girls,
will start to roam about. It was really comical.
You've got to be there, then you'll know what I mean. Hahha.
Tuition ended slightly earlier today.
All of us, went to Popular to buy the Oral book.
Then had dinner at Mac. with Yy. Took bus 85 from Yishun back home.
Really worn out.
Im so glad, tmr's another day of rest. Oh, have to revise Science.
Hmmm, but paper1? Guess, there's nothing much either.
Alright, going to sleep.
Thankyou for everything. :D
Monday, July 07, 2008
5:17 PM ; Crackerjack.
What a holiday, having to study for POA paper.
Hohoho! Talking to Brandon online, he so envious of me.
Was telling him how I'll spend this week.
Im kinda looking forward for this week. Quite enjoyable.
Firstly, tmr paper only start at 1100. -So need not wake up early.
Secondly, Wednesday only go for 1hour paper, which end at 0900. -And we get to go home.
Thirdly, Thursday no school. -Stay home prepare for next day paper.
Fourthly, Friday back in school for 1hour paper, which also ends at 0900. -And it's play time.
Lastly, Monday no school for our school. -Only Our School.
Alright, Im really struggling in POA.
Wth! I dont know how to do. And I bet, tmr paper's going to be hard.
It's PRELIMMS! And, MsCheong and MsChee are the ones setting it.
Jasmine smsed me ..
"I think Im seeing things! Someone like Yx in my lecture hall."
She really wants him out.
She went something like ..
"What's he doing here. I dont want to see him, going to warn him!
Why he doesnt want to go to NYP!" Hahha. Really funny.
And went on ..
"He still got the nerdy look, and he's ugly. Im bad, but nvm he invaded my school!"
Hahhaah. She was so nice la.
Helped Norman to find a cool and nice name that describe him best.
Awesome, Cool, Nonsense .. He thinks it was just too Uncool for him.
Crackerjack. -Was choose.
At times, studies get people bored. And so this' what happened.
And that guy living on top of me ..
Throwing Ice down, and MSN me saying ..
"Here the first ice goes.. then the second and third.." and so on.
And said, "Can you please throw some ice up? Im running out of ice."
This was my day. They made it so. Hahhah.
Thinking about all the incident, makes me laugh.
Real joker. (:
Anyway, to that Someone.
Recently, You are not your usual self.
Though we are unable to share your burdens, hope you'll be fine.
Cheerup, you've still got us! -Unless we'r already long forgotten.
Ok, back in the study mood. -Which Im totally not.
But we dont have a choice, do we?
Cliques. :D
Sunday, July 06, 2008
9:52 PM ; (:
Im back from church, hours ago.
Chinese 5th Anniversary today! Blessed Anniversary.
It was an unusual Sunday for my church today.
Since it was Chinese Anni, service for Chinese started at 1000 instead of 1430.
Where there's lunch and so on. But my family didnt go.
Anyway, I had to be in church by 1300, as Im serving in Filippino Service.
It was a slightly larger group, cos some stayed on after the Chinese Anni.
While some didnt stay, and went home OR shopping instead!
After Filippino, went up for English Service.
During break, we had chit-chats sessions again.
Didnt stay for Bible Study, as Mum wasnt feeling well and Aziza was coming over.
Had dinner while waiting for Dad. He had to count cash.
Alright, foodcourt was a disaster! -Shina would know what I mean.
She was at Sing.Post too. She had dinner at Mac. then came down to meet me.
Anyway, there was some leakage at the foodcourt,
which gave out an unpleasant smell.
Dad said is due to the Grease, as KFC, Mac, LJS were all on top.
Hmmm, my dad knows well.
So, there's nothing to do with.. what we said, "Shit".
Talked to Shina for awhile, then had to leave.
Alright, supposed to go to airport and study tmr, but.. yeah, not anymore.
So I shall just stay home.
Tuesday and Wednesday, I'll be having POA papers to sit for.
I guess, that's about it.
Holiday for us, Youths. This would be the LAST youths day for me.
Anyway, I just received a sms from YiYuan.
If anyone is interested, there'll be a performance at Vivo City,
Central Court at 5pm.
YiYuan will be performing, he requested for supports.
Those who wanna purchase the album, it cost $15.
Yeah, That's about it.
I miss the sight of You.
Friday, July 04, 2008
4:45 PM ; ...
Chemistry and Geography.
The whole of today, we were in the school hall. -Really freezing.
Chemistry paper killed me for my marks!
While Geography, wasnt that bad. Is just that,
I spent too much time on the phrasing.
And that had been agreed on, too.
After the Papers, we had Youths day celebration. -What a memorial celebration.
I've no idea what the band were singing,
I guess their individual playing were nicer though.
I only like the Dance group, and Yy performance.
At least it was pleasing to the sight and ear.
Oh, and there's Runway-like.
Our Youths day present, MrsTan bought for the whole schhool. -How nice.
This special present was, Ice-Cream.
Anyway, after assembly ended, we all went home straight.
Companied Jy to Compass to buy lunch.
From KFC to ChickenRice.
Supposed to have tuition later.
But have changed to tmr instead.
Really tired, going to take a nap.
Piano lesson on tmr, Theory not done! Err.
Youths? Dont think I'll be going.
Monday, holiday. But what difference does it make? Study.
Might be going to Changi Airport.
Shall discuss with group. (:
Hey you, I needed your help only ONCE.
And you want me to bring so much glory to You.
That guy leaving next to You, is a gay.
Cant you see, he had some kinda interest in You. (:
I am fortunate to know that.. You are.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
11:05 PM ; . .
It was lovely.
Woke up this morning at 0700 to look thru Physic notes, before leaving home.
But apparently, it didnt help much for today paper.
I think it was OK- the usual saying. Just lack of practiceeeee.
After paper, went to J8 with Dvd, Anna and Cynthia, Had lunch.
Anna and Cynthia had to go back to school for Oral.
Ohyes, heard it was about the Youths Olympic.
Lucky me, if not I'll be totally lost for words.
Dvd and I stayed at Mac, used their wireless.
I studied Chem, while she studied Mac. (:
Stayed till about 1530, decided to leave.
Pop over to CoffeeBean, schoolmates were there.
Chit-Chat for awhile, then I left first.
Took bus 13 to Potong Pasir? Whatever's the spelling.
Met Mick, then took train back home. -I forget to tell You, I saw Micky. (:
Stayed home for the rest of the day, studied Geography.
Hopefully, it stays in my head.
Chemistry, Im sure to be struggling for the paper. I looked at it, totally blank!
All the best to me then.
Alright, night. -Wake up calls, please!
Had the talks, it was enjoyable.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
10:27 PM ; Blinded by this jaded world.
Shall not talk about the past few days.
Too lazy to recall.
Today, sat for Maths Paper 2. Overall, it was OK, but due to lack of practice. . .
And the last 15mins, I had bad stomachache and it was really cold.
My fingernails were turning Purple! Think I'll bring jacket tmr.
Paper ended about 1030. Went with Shina to Bishan library, studied and had lunch.
Until about 1315, left for school. As we had Chinese O'level oral.
I was prepared to be the last few to sit for the oral, but wasnt prepared to be the 2nd!
Simply, cus we were separated into two groups.
The group that I was in, only consist of Daniel and I from our class, and the rest were from 5Blessing. The passage was kinda hard, didnt know how to read some of the words, rather the Chinese character.
Was really nervous when I started reading.
But once came to the discussion part, and I was abit settled down.
So, the question was about, the increase in price.
I brought up about the selling price of the Rice. Hmmmm.
Actually, I felt pleased with myself. Is not that, I did well.
My classmates are far much better than I am.
I just felt that, compared to those practice sessions that I had.
Everything, the thoughts and words, just came out naturally. Ohwells, it's over.
I just hope i'll Pass!
After that, waited for Jy. Stayed in the canteen with Shanni, Liling and YiYuan.
Schoolmates approached us to help them in buying KitKats, as a contribution to some Charity.
Yy and I each came out 1buck. -It cost 2bucks!
And we've decided to capture ourselves, in remembrance of our generous contribution.
As soon as I got home, took quite awhile to settled down to study Physic.
Well, I just looked thru some formulas, and TYS, the way it's being answered and stuffs.
Im glad, tmr paper start at 1045. So need not wake up early.
Will be meeting Jy at 0940. -partly becus of the hair clip.
After paper, will be going to Bishan with Dvd. -Hopefully, I'll be able to bring it out.
Alright, turning to bed.
Mick is such a nice person. -Say no more; be honoured!
Blinded by this Jaded world.