Monday, September 29, 2008
5:36 PM ; Discouraging.
It's so true, everyone needs encouragement.
Well, ended tuition an hour ago.
XL was off from duty today, so he came over.
Didnt go to school today.
Partly, I was also having gastric, kept wanting to throw out.
Plus my migraine.
Total Killer.
Anyway, tmr back to school.
There'll be night lesson, from 1800 to 1930.
So I think I cant have Aziza over.
Ohyes, Wednesday is a public holiday. :D
&left with 2more school days and no more school!
Only for the graduation classes.
Friday, we'll be having our graduation service&
our class jackets! (:
Thought of going for Prayer meeting tmr night, but now cant.
Alright, that's all.
Another trap coming my way.
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's really really NICE! (:
All the songs in there are all by ABBA.
GREATT! I was thinking if I should buy the soundtracks.
Hmm, but I've already spent the money on Jay Chou's new album,
which is coming out next month.
I've already PRE-ORDERED his album.
After such a good show, is time for the Studies!
Must watch it.
Esp. those who likes Musical kinda shows.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
10:02 PM ; Putting up a fake front?
You guys are putting up a fake front?
I hate it.
School friends are best to chill out with.
Woke up at 0515, got ready for school, Jy&Elena werent coming to school.
Was about to tie my hair, when I heard my brother's not going to school.
Cos he's sick.
I then decided to go to school late, msged Shina.
Her request was fulfilled. As she did ask me yesterday about it too.
Went back to sleep, woke up about 0730.
It was raining really heavy! It makes me not wanna leave home for school.
Hurried got changed&left home as it wasnt raining that heavy after awhile.
While I was on my way to school, Shanni told me, only 11 people came!
Told my mum, &she asked me if I wanna turn back home. (:
But I didnt.
There were hardly any lessons conducted, so we did our own self-study.
Look, Huge class.

&here, SS. (:

Alright, tuition was fun.
Laugh like craps!
MrHogan's lesson help us to distress.
Dad fetched me home.
Tmr, after school will be meeting with Angela to study Maths.
I love you&hate them.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
2:42 PM ; The sense of Unity?
School was alright today.
We had a good time of Laughter.
No lessons conducted; went through papers.
We shall continue to work hard.
"Slowly and Steady, there's still time. " -xl.
Early in the morning, had to sit for POA paper. -Revision kinda.
Went to MsC. class and sat for it.
So our class just stayed there&do the paper.
We did talked&asked around. It was that hard, alright!
1hour spent on 1 question.
Out of a sudden (Ok, Im not telling a story),
she appeared. &she started to shout&scold the guys.
She caught them talking. Very well, she knew we were all talking too.
&then she asked.. "Honestly, who else did talk, stand. "
I guess, she only expected a few, but..
the WHOLE class stood up.
Gosh. Was she surprised? I've no idea.
Scream&shout, there she goes.
She asked us to pack our stuffs, &leave.
We did exactly that! (:
Left without knowing where to go,
Yy suggested to the library.
&Jagger said.. Recess!
So we had early recess.
I guess, we were all too used to her screams, that it didnt really bothered us.
After which, went to the hall, went through papers again.
We talked&laughed a lot.
About finding a Rich guy&crappy stuffs.
Mother Tongue paper was next to be checked,
but we dont have any.
Were told to remain in the hall until school end,
but our class just stood up&left.
&I think the t'cher actually did call us. Ohwells.
So as a group we left school.
The best part of the day. (:
Alright. That's about it.
All in Your Honour.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
10:12 PM ; The Killer.
A blessed Sunday.
My migraine is killing me!
Church today was? Hmmm. Same.
Err, the piano cant be heard.
I turned it louder, still cant hear.
Jw also told me, they couldnt hear anything.
So it seems that I was playing as if it could be heard.
Anyway, during the ACMeeting,
Brandon, Norman, Nigel, my brother&I stayed outside.
All the kids were watching some children video.
I did some Physic work, only 2questions!
Cos most of the time were spent chatting or dreaming away.
After the meeting ended, had to rush home cos XL coming.
Wth. Yesterday suppose to have tuition with him.
From 1800, changed to 1830, then he called me..
"Hey, can we have tuition tmr instead?
Cos my friends keep asking me to go out&I havent been going out."
I was like.. OK. So had it today.
As usual, he always reached here early. Came back just in time.
Lesson was alright, did Physic.
He showed me his new phone. NOKIA?
A brand that is not very commonly bought now, though.
Not bad, but not my liking.
I think we talked more than "tuition-ing"/ teaching..
all the 'T's. &etc.
Right, he looked at my entry proof
&saw my O' Chemistry Paper is on 20th Oct &said..
"Eh, 20thOct is my bday, you sure can pass already."
&10thNov he finishes army&11thNov my Os done!
He suggested, we can go celebrate.
He's a nice person to hang out with, I suppose.
Shared some stupid msg, LAME.
Back to school.
Papers! Hope there isnt any struct. class!
Really tired.
Close friends will never remain close.
Someday, they'll drift apart.
Friday, September 19, 2008
2:52 PM ; Coolest ever.

Man! This' coool.
Another source found!
Alright, I think I've been wasting my time.
Got to do Chemistry, XL will be coming at 1900.
I hope I wont forget all the stuffs, he'll be testing me!
Boy! I dislike it.
Hope it ends early, I want to watch 奶爸 or something.
Macbook got all languages installed.
So using of Chinese words in here, is easily done.
Ohyes, the weekend's here.
Serving this Sunday.
&there's AGM meeting.
Under the age of 18 are not allow to vote&stuffs.
So we shall all sit outside&wait cum study.
I love you.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Please bring out the colours in me.
Woo, slow down! No celebrations, NO, NOT YET.
I long for that day.
(Physic/Chemistry) Paper was manageable.
Sharks, careless!
Ended at 0900, but my class had to stay back for POA.
Ms Cheong nagged&stuffs.
I guess every Thursday, a group of us will stay back till evening.
Anyway, I was back home by 1200.
Everyone's at home.
I felt so WELCOME. (: LOL.
Finally, I've got my MSN connected.
Couldnt sign in for the past 30mins!
I thought my account got heck.
Woo Yeah, no school tmr.
Slack at home again. What else?
I feel like going to the airport. To fly away? How I wished.
This got me thinking.. about all the plans after Os.
After Os, I'll be busy helping in the recordings in CRC.
&end of the year, there's Church Camp!
Gethsemane B-P CHURCH CAMP 2008
"Strangers & Pilgims"
Speaker: Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
Date: 2nd Dec-6th Dec
Venue: Bintan Agro Beach Resort.
Jollyn will be my room-mate. (:
&grandparents will be coming back form Australia.
They'll be staying until CNY'09, then head back to Aust.
I might go back with them, &stay there for at least 2 weeks or so.
Suggested 1month? No way, I dont think I can take it!
No Piano, No Guitar? No accompaniment.
&if I return back from there, I'll be alone.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
11:00 PM ; Make it Quick.
Alright, it's going to be a quick update.
So expect it to be a short one.
Whole day at home, until evening.
Suppose to meet up with ks, but he got to attend to some stuffs.
&ks, it's really ok, dont feel bad. (:
Went for tuition, Mr Hogan went through comprehension.
It was a tough one though.
&Im really scare, after hearing Yy&his friends comments about the marking scheme.
Really wonder how they grade; Let's pray for good markers.
Ohyes, my dad sent, waited&fetched me home. (:
How nice, Thank you, DAD.
My mum was like.. "Why he so good?"
Anyway, tmr is my brother turn, he need not go to school.
It's IT day for them.
&Im going back for 1hour paper.
But we cant get to go back after the paper, cos we got to stay for POA.
Im going to be so dead; Please spare me from all those yelling&nagging
I feel the waters' boiling.
Errr! MAMAMIA is coming out tmr.
Shelly, Chan&Melvin also want to watch,
but they are unable to escape from their busy schedule. -How sad.
ks's having lecturer so he cant company me either.
Next week? Depends.
I've seen people watching alone, I dont see a problem with that.
But, that's so boring; there isnt any fun.
Alright, Im not going to watch alone!
Hey, as requested.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
11:30 PM ; Lost soul.
Suppose to feel as good,
just like the changing of a new&refreshing blogskin.
It's rather simple, but i like it.
Back from church an hour back. Went for prayer meeting.
Today's Chemistry paper was ALRIGHT, just like the Physic paper.
Nothing much happened though.
Dvd msged me if I want to join her at airport to study.
Didnt join her, as I had to attend church.
Alright, I'll never going to take bus43! Long&it makes me feel sick!
Reached church at about 2000. It already started, they were singing.
Sat at the last row with mum&brother.
&I was feeling really tired, becos of the un-peaceful ride.
During prayer time, we were gathered to sit on the ground.
Err! I wore skirt. But anyway, Jas companied me. So we both sat on chair.
I think only us? With the exceptional of some MOTHERS. Goshh.
Believer? Belever? We played, Spot the mistake.
&sometime, it's good that we'r girls. -Our observation. (:
It ended close to 2200. Dad fetched us.
Ohh! &CareMinistry had shifted to Punggol.
Our new neighbour! Not that they leave beside us, somewhere near.
Happened we were walking behind the whole group, as if we'r taking a ride back home.
Hmm, well I dont think they even know we leave at Punggol too.
Anyway, they'll be having a Open House, 10/11th Oct.
Ohyes, no school tmr. Get to sleep longer! (:
Something that I long for.
There's MrHogan lesson tmr night. Got to do tuition work!
It just caught be wondering when I looked into your eyes.
The smile that you flash on your face, you'r a changed person.
&I'm truely happy for you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
12:12 PM ; physic.

Yeah, it went well though. Except for SectionB.
Whoever the setter is, is not really that creative.
Cos the SectionA questions were TYS questions! Exactly!
Didnt even change the figures.
Sharks, I should have STUDY the TYS. But I only read through it.
Ohwells, but I still manage to do it. I took like 30mins to finish SectionA.
Not sure if my answers are correct. Hmmm.
&SectionB was like.. What?!
Saturday, went back to school to settle the class jacket!
I think it's really cool. I cant wait.
I think, we'r getting next week. (:
It cost $35, then brought it down to $33.
Then MrWhite paid $8 for each of us.
That made it, $25 from each of us.
Amazing to see my class going back on Saturday,
becos of CLASS decision kinda thing?
Anyway, ytd church was, ASUSUAL.
Ohyes, talked to Norman last night. Told him I'll post the conver.
I think it was really funnny. We were talking about our birthday&stuffs.
He was asking if he's considered my age or not.
Or the other way round. Whichever isit.
Cos our bday is 1 month difference. So..
C: you'r 1month older Only.
N: 1 year. (somewhere along this line.)
C: did you fail your maths?
C: 1 year is = 12 months.
N: did you fail your common sense?
N: mine is 1990 & yours is 1991.
N: so that is 1 year.
It went something like that. Cant remember the exact words.
I felt it was rather funny&it did make some kinda sense in one way or another.
Alright, Chemistry tmr.
XL will be coming over later this evening.
Ohman! I wanna watch MAMAMIA. It's coming out on 18thSep.

I was locked outside for 1hr30mins!
Didnt bring key out, so have to wait for my parents.
Since Mick was at home, called him down to chitchat.
&he decided to be a director,
while Im just acting like he's servant, listening to him bullshitting.
But we sure have lots to catch up.
&we realized what great Losers we were!
Thank you Mick, for companying the lost soul earlier.

Friday, September 12, 2008
5:29 PM ; Yy bday

Woo. Finally back with updates.
Prelims are almost done.
Left with the Sciences, on Mon, Tues&Thurs!
The papers were ALRIGHT.
Except for POA. Screwed!
Whatever had happened the last few days, it's History.
So Im not going to blog about it.
Lazy to think.
So we shall start of with today.
Tmr is Yiyuan's bday celebration.
Sadly, I wont be able to attend, cos I've got to be in church.
&by the time I reach his place, it'll be late too.
I wanna go, cos it sounds really fun!
Anyway Yiyuan, hope you'll cheer up.
Im sure you'll still have fun without sound system. (:
&becos I cant attend his celebration tmr.
Anna&I went out to celebrate with him today.
Sad, Dvd couldnt join us.
So I went to meet Anna at PP first.
From there, we went to Plaza Sing.
Walked&shopped around before meeting Yy.
Went to cotton on, bought shoe. (:
After which, went to Bread Talk&bought a piece of cake for Yy.
We had our lunch at Cafe Cartel.
Sharks. We should have taken picture of our food.
It was really enjoyable.
Treated Yy.
He was really surprised there was still cake!
Glad he enjoyed.
After our meal, we companied him to shop for gifts for his relatives.
Token for appreciation kinda thing?
We went to Daiso, bought quite a number of things.
More of his things.
&we saw, DesmondKoh, that actor?!
He was doing some promotion with this lady, heard she hosted Superband.
They were at JeanYip advertising.
&when both Yy&Desmond saw each other, they were like talking so loud.
Desmond was like, "what you doing here? Why never study?"
Speaking in chinese though. &people around were like looking at them.
Anyway, we went to Daiso first, saw Anna's classmates.
Then, Yy went to look for Desmond to talk&stuffs.
Anna&I just followed along.
He was at Times, so we went in.
While waiting for Yy to talk. Anna&I took his phone&take pictures.
OHMAN! He got LG phone. Ohwells.
But, the effects werent done in his phone! It was my MAC.
After snapping a few, Yy asked us
to help he&Desmond to take a pic.
So went out Times&take.
Wooo. Anna&I took with him too.
&he's really nice&friendly! PLUS good looking! (:

Both of them started to show off their phones.
One LG&the other IPHONE.
He said bye to us&said something like..
"Ok bye See you soon." -Very cheerful kind of spirit.
Right, I was thinking as if we'll meet up kinda thing.
But anyway, it was nice.
Went shopping around again.
Tired&depressed we were.
More so for Yy.
Cos of the sound system that was bothering him.
Went to Mac&sat there. Without buying anything.
It was about 1600 by then. Anna&I had to go.
So we all left, top-up card&took picture again.
Friday, September 05, 2008
9:34 AM ; Updates.

Found this picture.
It was all in the Past.
The cool breeze.
Yeah, I know I havent been doing my updates.
Just lazy to do so.
It has been 2weeks since the last update!
Thanks to those who have reminded me to do so. (:
Many things happened the past few days.
Everyday is a new day; new life.
&I thank God for that.
Sharks. I think Im down with cold.
During Tuesday PrayerMeeting, I was sitting at the back.
&this thought came to me , 'We each got our own life to tell&lead.'
CareMinistry's brethren were sitting in front of me,
thinking how God had really change their life. Amazing.
Well, I had been studying SS the whole of ytd. -Boring.
Thank God I managed to survive!
Anyway, Aziza will be coming over soon.
&tonight will be XL.
O level is getting really NEAR!
&I cant wait for it to end too. (: