Saturday, February 28, 2009
9:58 PM ;
Blessed Youths Anniversary. Guess what? I got myself burnt. Was ironing clothes this morning before piano lesson, I grab the iron in order to save it! Really dumb. But anyway, at that moment I just couldnt stretch my finger or so, so I changed piano lesson! Sarah then came over during noon to make the sandwich for Youths. Hurried down to church to prac. with Jas, Jol&Jw. Last minute, we changed song again. (: After the short message by Elder Choy, we had testimony time. &we presented our item. (: &others too. Then proceeded for refreshment, rather, dinner! &here comes the photo taking session! :DTake a look. Nice group of peeps to hang out with. 

Practicing for our item. Guitarist&Vocalists. XD

Candid-shot. Nice one, Jas!

Act shy. XD

Jw's mum made it. &we enjoyed the nice cake.

I feel special. :D

Lovely bunch of peeps, yo!
9:27 AM ;
Today's is our church Youths Anni. Praise God for that. Man, kinda rush. Got to go for piano lesson soon, &rush back to do the sandwich with SarahAnn then bring down for Youths. We've got to go early as we need to prac. the song we presenting. Now trying to discuss the time to meet with Jw.
Anyway, yesterday school was alright. Likewise the past few days in school, crapped alot. School ended at 1245 ytd, stayed back with some of my class peeps to work on the MI carnival. &seriously, I think our game stall is kinda cool. (: But it's in MAY! Wth. Ohwells. OH! &I found out my classmate, Vik, live in Punggol too. Coolest. After that, met Jw, Brandon&Jas at Dhoby Ghaut. Gosh, Jas&I were looking for each other in the station. But fortunately I met the two guys! Im poor in direction! So we went to Grand Cathy to meet Jas instead. At least Jas knows her way to Grand Cathy, I dont think I do! Hahah! Bought the tickets&went to LongJohn for lunch. Show started at 1635, watched MARLEY&ME. The ending was sad, which Jas&I already know. We'd read the book. (: A nice, good show to watch. &guess what! I saw Wilson! I hardly could attend the Primary school gathering&of all at such place, I saw him. Hmmm, how nice. ~
So after everything, walked over to Singapore Museum, took pictures&called it a day. :D Pictures time. (:

over at LJS for lunch.

Nice hairband!

Before show started! The flash gave it away. (:

In the hotel toilet. HAHAHHA! Which states, "for hotel guest only".

Outside Museum.


Somewhere on the street.

The End. :D
Thursday, February 26, 2009
10:29 PM ;
Alright school has been fun for the last few days. My classmates are all nice peeps. It was fun hanging out with them, laugh&laugh. Really can die laughing! Alright, during HT have been discussing about MI carnival. Man, it'll gonna be fun. Esp, my group, which is game. We came up with lots of stuffs&ideas. Seriously, school is fun. The whole of today, had been laughing&laughing. Anyway, school ended at 1800. Jason, WH, Genesis, Qiuyi&I went to Westmall for dinner. &we took train back, laugh&laugh again. Man!
Today we had lots of break time! My class headed to E-Hub, where we can use the computers. All of us signed on to Facebook&MSN, added each other! (: Coolest. Alright, tmr out with Jas, Jw&brandon for Marley&Me.
Darn, Im sick! Sighh.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
8:32 PM ;
Back from church&all. This morning went to Eastpoint for lunch then headed to church for Filipino service. After Filipino rushed up to English service. Man, the auditorium was really cold! During break, chatted with clique again. Had a short practice of 'Perfect Peace' with Sharon, Aunty Sarah, Eunice&Jenice. Stayed on for the children choir, &one thing.. they do like the warm-up! I got so sick of it. Gosh! That's about it. Lessons officially starts tmr, ohno! &got to stay back for Netball training.
Anyway, here's some pictures continued from yesterday. (: There's still quite abit in Sarah's camera. Waiting for her to upload. (:
Sigh, drink&drink. Hopefully, they dont get addicted to sparkling juice. LOL.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
11:39 PM ;
Yesterday school ended at 1245, Jamie, Peyton, Rosemarie&I went to Botak Jones for lunch. After which I went to Jurong Point. That's about it, lazy to think & blogged about it.
Alright, this morning went for piano lesson asusual. Headed home after that, as Nicolas was coming over. Whoo, he still looks the same after about 3months? Hahha. &&this morning before I left home, Xl was teaching brother, goodness me! His hair is so long. Anyway, I was late for Youths. Stayed on for some practice for "A passion for thee" Took a ride from Jw's mum as we were all going for Jas birthday celebration. Jw&Brandon went back first, while bro&I waited for dad to pick us up. :D &&Dad closed another deal! Praise God! &I feel bad for not saying 'bye' to SarahAnn. :( By the time I got home, it was already 2300.
Serving in Filipino&English service tmr, so off I go. (: Byee. End off with some pictures. There's somemore in Brandon's phone, will get it from him tmr.

My brother's shoes!
We didnt know we were all gonna stick out our tongue! :D

Thursday, February 19, 2009
7:12 PM ;
Well, looked! All the 'J's birthday. Jingyi's birthday was yesterday whereas Jas&Jagger's were today. School was alright today. Was late for the show again cos of the traffic jam.(: We wanna know the CLIMAX though! Had Foundation Skills lecture4 today, followed by Econ lecture. &commerce students went out of school for some fieldtrip stuffs. Separated into groups, my group went to some shophouses around Bukit Batok estate. My group had to take a bus down, went to interview a Indian shop. We let our leader do most of the asking. It was better than staying in school. :D At least get to move around. Went back to school, &had PE briefing.
&&today the classes, house group&subjects we'll be taking are out! Im in 09B3, got the combination that I wanted. I hope this new class, there'll be nice people! Got to make new friends again. Tmr some peeps from Trojan Three might be going out for lunch over at Botak Jones after school.
Oh well well, earlier was at SK with Jamie. Went to buy some snacks. Then met up with Jol. for lunch. Really late lunch&early dinner. (: Alright, the weekends' coming! Great!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
8:51 PM ;
Gosh! The aches are killing me. Rosemarie & I were like complaining! Ohwells. School asusual, &we couldnt start our story today as I was late. CRAPS!
Some of us are working on our latest story, 'Romance at Bus-stop'. HOHOHOHO. We've got director, producer, camera-woman, actors&actress. Trust me, this story is ORIGINAL. LOL. Anyway, Im so glad for Trojans, we ended school at 1325. (: Went back with Jamie! Wait, yesterday then we both realised we stay at PUNGGOL. So I went to SK to meet Jollyn as she's working there for this whole week. Met for lunch at Pizza Hut, bought some sweets for tmr! Because tmr it'll be a long day! School end only at 1725! We've got some 'Best Bet' thing for 3hours or so! &I got to stay back after that for netball training! OHNO.
I cant wait for the weekends, cos will be celebrating Jas birthday! :D A time to play&have fun with church friends/my 'grow-up' together friends! Whoolala~ Alright, end off here. Really tired.
The biggest crime.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
12:06 PM ;
Right, was lost in Airport carpark yesterday! &my family spent 45mins looking for our car! Hooboy, what's this! FORTY-FIVE mins of my life in the carpark! In the end, we found it at another carpark instead.
Yesterday was a really long day. Morning had to go for lesson&rushed home to get choir stuffs. It was a real big mistake, should have brought everything out&went to church straight after lesson. Anyway, was a bit late for choir. Practiced on new score, it's relative easy&nice. :D OH, &the ladies/girls will be presenting 'Perfect Peace' with Sharon as this is her last presentation! Sigh, she'll be going to Philippines to get married. Ahyes, there'll be Choir retreat around April. After choir, went for Youths. &we stayed back for awhile to practice a song for presentation. 'A passion for thee'. -Youths choir. (: Not officially like a choir. We sang in 4 parts, we're the group that blend well. We've all been in choir since we were young. I miss those time, but looked.. We're back!
Went over to grandparents' house & sent them off to airport. &that's when we played a game of maze in the carpark. :D Alright, church later, will be serving in Chinese Service. Got to get ready. Updates later! Byee~ A new week tmr, tutorials are on!
Your soul, speak to me.
Friday, February 13, 2009
8:32 PM ;
Back from school&all. This morning went to Centre Stage to watch some debate session which I supposed it was part of the Total Defence activity. My group went in late, &sat right at the top. All of us were busy with phones instead! Shawn was listening to his IPOD&watching video. Best, he didnt wanna stay&went home! He got the car that's where he can! Err.
Had about One&The half hour break, then did some class work&attended Econ lecture. It's interesting, but it'll be HARD. You've got to write like 18pages -3 essays within 2hours! This is only paper 2! Man. Woolala~ Great! Anyway, stayed for netball. Training is like, 3 times a week. Goodness me! Ohwells, Im glad to be playing netball again! After that went to Westmall with Melissa&Beatrice then headed home.
Piano lesson tmr, &I think from there will head to church for choir&youths later on! Hooboy, long day. &&&grandparents will be going back to AUST! Sighh, &only get to see them few years later. :( Ok, shall end off here. Bye!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
8:01 PM ;
Went for Geography lecture today, &had MAP -My Action Plan. Totally waste of time. Anyway, during MAP we were talking about driving. &if Im not wrong the guy who sat behind Juliet&I, called Shawn, he can drive! He drove his car to school la! Coolest.
Anyway, went to Shaw &met Jol. for lunch. Then went with Sandra to check out some stuffs. Well, shared with Sandra about it, good time of sharing. (: Tmr after school there's netball. So that's about it.
Save me; I'm lost.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
6:27 PM ;
If all I could do is this much ..
Ohyes, yesterday had Accounting lecture. &they showed us the syllabus that we'll be studying. For the first year, we'll be studying all those topics that I've did in O level. They're gonna start from the basic. &asusual, there'll be theory&all. After that we had break at our school's cafe! Man, it's really good! Nicer than the canteen food, I think. Though I havent really tried the food in canteen. That reminds me, I got to get a cashcard! Anyway, we had SS talk which simply means 'Self-study' talk. It was by one of the guy under Adam Khoo. He's presentation is really good&fun. (: It ended about 1335, &I wasted my time down at Orchard to get my uniform. Guess what, there werent any stock! Whereas Juliet&RoseMary had to be back in school by 1800 to sign out from their detention as they were late for school. Best! For detention, we're allow to go out of school&just be back by 1800 to report.
Alright, &today, had THREE lectures. Went for History lecture (I dont want history!) &the teacher's action was like.. "girl". Most of us were entertained by him¬ his lesson. When he first talked, both Juliet&I turned&looked at each other! Anyway, in the end both of us were talking to the guy who sat behind us. We were talking about the diploma courses, piano&choir. As he was also in choir! It all started out becos his eyebrow was unique. LOL. After TWO hours of lectures, we had break &went for MOB -Management of Business lecture, break again&finally GP lecture which last for ONE&Half hour! MOB got to do lots of writings! &these are the topics..
a) The Need for & Nature of Business Activity. b) Business & Economic Structure. c) Business Size & Growth. d) Globalization of Business. e) Decision Making.
a) The Need for & Nature of Organizational Structure. b) Motivation, Leadership&Management. c)Business Communication. d) Human Resource Management.
a) The Nature of the Market & The Role of Marketing. b) The Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
a) Nature of Production. b) Methods of Production. c) Costs of Production. d) Other Aspects of Production Decision.
a) Financial Objectives of Business. b) Finance Decisions. c) Financial Institutions. d) Uses of Financial Information.
a) Sources of Information. b) Nature of Information. c) Collecting Information. d) Analysis&Use.
Yeah, I guess I just have the time to write it all here. Hahah! Well, for GP lecture, I fell asleep! OPPPS. Everything ended by 1530. Took bus66 &train back home! (: Tmr school will end at 1330! Whooola~ Only TWO lectures, Mathematics&Chinese. Gosh, I just pray hard that I wont fall asleep during the chinese lecture. Hooboy!
That's about it. :D I miss my secondary friends.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
10:58 AM ;
When all is said&done.
Was watching BBF last night, Im waiting for episode 11 to be uploaded!
Anyway, was discussing&doing the subject combination form. I guess I'll be doing H2 Management of Business, Principles of Accounting, Economics&H1 Mathematics. &discussed with parents about the 5 diploma courses offered in ERC Institute, MDIS, Newcastle School of Management, ACCA&SMa school of Management-Psychology. Most probably I'll go for MDIS, it goes well with the subjects that Im taking. Out of 8 modules, I only need to take 5 as the other 3 is what I'll be studying during school. Yeah, I guess that's about it. &lessons for this course will be conducted during the school holidays&some saturdays. Hmmmm.
Sigh, the weekends' gonna be over sooon! Tmr back to school& all the sample lectures for the whole of next week. &got to plan for some meet-ups with Sandra/Norman for registration, Georgina, Dvd&Anna too. (: Alright, church soon. :D That's all for now!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
9:41 PM ; Reply to tags.
Reply to tag.
CM. -Dvd:
HEYHEY! Why are you so happy? (: Or what are you smiling about? HAHAHA. :D Meet up soon.
Carmen. -JASMINE:
Yes! Three weeks orientation! :D First week is more of intro to the school, Second week is some sample lectures, Third week, I cant remember is what. But after that I think lessons will start&we'll know which class to go. (: Yes, &I think when you hear about it, you'll like sian la. (:
Carmen. -Daniel:
CRAPS la you! Ohwells, lucky you werent in ACS then. (: Yes, it wont be that HOT if you were there. HOHOHOHO. Yeah, it's really big&I like it cos it's kinda flexi. Stop changing the topic, you owe me alright! :D No not first time? When you were in Aust. you tag&tag.
2:35 PM ;
Something's missing.
Alright, Im really really tired but gonna update about yesterday first.
Anyway, this's how MI look. LOL.
It was our last day for orientation. (The fun side) Though our whole orientation last for 3weeks. So in the morning we had talks on the dual track programme&subjects combination. After that we had OG period, if Im not wrong. Went for CCA open house. So went round the whole institute. Later in the evening, we played mystery game. The institute was dark, we were in the hall&the light slowly were off. &the story was told. 8 people were killed&we've got to find the murderer. This "little girl" who was giving us clue, I guess she was suppose to be obsessed. &she screamed &ask us to get out of the hall. &That's when the game sstarted. So four different clan went to different venues where the victims were. At every station, 5people are only allowed to ask the victim 3questions&they're not to provoke them. If not they'll just scream at you. &That's what happened to most of the group, I think. Though we were all at different station, we could hear the group screaming.
OH OH. There was one part, I was walking alone cos Juliet&Pyia were walking infront of me. Then suddenly someone (probably acting as some ghosts?) started to dash infront of me. I screamed. Craps! Then before I could take another step, another idiot. Hahah, then one of the guy from my group quickly walked beside me&he said.. "I think you better walk beside me first." Hah! Yeah, the guys were told to kind of surround the group. As some of the girls were really really scare. There was one who actually shivered. Anyway, it ended about 2030, we had to head back to the hall. There wasnt enough time to finish all the stations though. So anyway, the hall was still dark &that "little girl" was singing all those bed time songs.. who's the muderer&blabla. Juliet&I were like, "hurried up, I wanna go home!" Super tired. Finally the judge came in, dressed in black&having rope around here. &I supposed she was shot&she died- fell right to the ground, in the center of the hall. Hah! That's the moment where each group got to give our answer to who's the murderer. It's the Judge, herself. :D
So before we wrapped up. We all did the last MI dance. Great, we can partner with anyone. (: Parents came &fetched me home! Talked to someone for awhile&fast asleep. This morning had to wake up for piano lesson. Ohboy, I was struggling! Alright, gonna take a nap. Wont be going for youths, too tired. (:
The missing piece.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
10:32 PM ;
Slowly.. Just slowly.. Ohwells, I didnt go to school today as I had migraine. Msged OGL this morning&she called me too! She said I got to get a MC. Anyway, I did. &yes tmr is like the last day for orientation. Not exactly last day, next two weeks of oreintation is more serious kinda. Tmr's going to be fun, that's what I heard&think it'll be. :D Sometimes when life gets you down.. you just wish someone is there at that very moment. (: Just my thoughts. We'll all get tired of life. I guess there'll be more update about tmr. :DNoone bothers.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
8:43 PM ;
A promise I'd made. DANIEL GOH! You owe me so much more for spreading such NOT TRUE stuffs. AHAHHA! You better watch your back! :D So dead, cos Melv&Chan are on my side. Whoola~ Anyway, day Three was alright. &my migraine is back! What a killer. We did MI dance, Gosh! We, girls, got to partner the guys! Ahwell. Played games too, four different stations. &Trogan3&4 had to stay back to do some online profiling! Craps, it ended until 1600. By then, I was really tired, on top of that.. my migraine! Took bus66 with Juliet&the others to BukitBatok MRT station&trained home. They all live in Bedok! Whooo~ Andandand, Orientation will last for THREE weeks. First week is more of, enjoying ourselves&making friends? I think. Second week, we'll be having SAMPLE lectures of different subjects everyday. &lastly, Third week is more of Talks? If Im not wrong. Then slowly, that's where life is on the run. HMMMMM. Sigh, I want my weekends. A sudden feeling of wanting to see my churchmates. :D Argh, Jollyn get to watch BBF episodes 7&8! I'll catch up soon, since now is only orientation. (: I really need to talk to Dvd. Ever since school started, Im just having a bad feeling about something. Sighh. Am I not taking it seriously?
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
5:19 PM ;
Second day in school! Yeah, it was fun compared to yesterday. All the cheers&silly craps that some of the seniors did. The fun.. you've got to experience it yourself. Hoho. (: Anyway, we got our orientation shirt&some other stuffs. Asusual, Alex.&I started doing the countdown! She started counting in the morning when school havent even start! Hahah. &we need not stay till 1600 today, it's tomorrow! Sighh. During OG time, talked abit to Ben as he was sitting beside me&he knows Zhiyi. They're classmates! Woo~ Small world. School ended at about 1430, Alex. gave me a ride to Potong Pasir Station. Her Ezlink card didnt had money that's why she wanted to cab home&so hitched a ride from her. But I think I'll just pay her half the fare, it isnt nice not too. So, took a train down to SK get my Ezlink usage extended&blabla. Then trained back home. Xl is here for tuition&he asked how's Orientation. Yeah, Funfun. Tomorrow morning will be having assembly with the PU2&PU3 students, first time with them.Alright, I'll end off here. :D Nice day people. Re-rewind.
Monday, February 02, 2009
My life is revived.
HELLO PEOPLE. I'm back to blog. :D First day of school in MI (Millennia Institute) &I feel like I'm a primary one kid! Well, for those who dont really know how MI works. It's just like any other JCs &that they offer 4 diplomas courses (relating to business). In another words, you may graduate with a A level&diploma cert. Im doing Commerce so I might consider. Hey wait, &they were saying.. since MI is the only school offering Commerce&if you're like top in MI, means you're top in Singapore too. HAH! Coolest. But whatever isit, that isnt the reason why Im taking Commerce! LOL. Anyway, school hours kind of flexi compared to other JCs. Every Monday school starts at 0900, &the other days start at 0800. But since this week is orientation week, we've got to be in school by 0700! Can die pls, cos I've got to wake up by 0500. So anyway, this morning left home about 0600. Took train to Little India&took bus66 which brings me directly to the school. Was supposed to be there by 0700, but reached there at 0740. Ohwells, but that's the time when everyone started to enter the school too. So, whatever~ After alighting from the bus&walking in the school, I made a new friend.. Alexandria. We were in the same bus&She lives in Potong Pasir. &&she's in Commerce stream too. (: We were kinda lost when we were up in the hall. Manage to find our group, TROJAN? There were like 4 groups. &in each group, there were another 4 different clans. So I was in Trojan III, while Alex. was in TrojanIV. &I saw 3 people from PHS. Gosh, there were students from AHS, ACS, Anderson, Punggol, Loyang, Changkat Changi&many more from the Eastern side too. Started off with National Athem! Goodness me. &MI school song was.. (*was it a song?) which I think I PHS school song sounds nicer. &apparently.. noone was singing? Which reminded me of the morning assembly in PHS when we were made to sing the National&school songs over&over again! Anyway, there were TALKS&more talks! It was really boring&tiring. &the ice breaker games were.. Whatever! All of us were like.. "Hurry&get it over." &yes, we went to class with our OGleaders to get some admin stuffs done&introducing ourselves. My clan was made up of all different people in different streams.. Science, Arts&Commerce. Had to do cheers&Etc. just like any other orientation. I just wish the people there were my Secondary classmates. &&&Alex. Hamizah&I were like counting down to go back! After being released, both Alex.&I walked to 7Eleven to get a drink&walked back to take bus back home. Somehow we clicked well&we talked about everything&almost anything. Whoo! Tmr will be a long day, if Im not wrong school end at 1600. Sigh, I wanna go back early! Oh!&in order to buy food from the canteen.. you've got to use CASHcard, no cash accepted. There's machine in the school to top up the card though. So we've got to buy a cashcard. Interesting. Alright, guess I'll end here. (: & BLESSED 8TEEN BIRTHDAY to JUOWI. :D