Sunday, March 29, 2009
8:19 PM ;
Hello people.
Back from church! I love it. :D It's our church 21st Anniversary. Sermon was kinda long today, I think. Anyway, today's refreshment was special! We watched our Youths presentation on Jas' camera! Yeah, her dad recorded it! It was nice! :D Wait for her to upload to facebook! Chatted with Norman, it's like I havent talk&see him for ages. Hahha. Even during the holiday week when Jas&Jol werent around in church, the following Sunday when I saw them.. that's the feel! As if they had been missing for some time! Ahwells.
Stayed on for Bible Study, helped the children choir. It's their last practice for Good Friday presentation. Ohyes! My aunt&family will be coming over from Aust! Cant wait to see my cousins! School tomorrow, &training! :( Going to be a long day, but at least school starts at 0900! Alright, shall end it with Night of Praise pictures! :D
Night of Praise- 28th March 2009.
Youths Presentation.

Senior Ministry Presentation.

Ladies Prayer group presentation.

Aunty Hye Yong&Timothy.

Jw's family.

Pastor & us. Quite amazing, Pastor has seen us growing since we were young, he carried us when we were a baby. But yeah, not Jw. Heheh. Is, we girls! (:

Our trademark.

10:53 AM ;
The singing just goes on & on ..
Alright, yesterday was really a long day. I only slept at 0300, was studying for the diploma exam. Woke up at 0600 to go to school. :( Anyway, I only know how to do 3 out of 5 questions. But yeah, I think can already! Hohoho. After that, Gen was in school too, so went for lunch at MOS almost wrote MOB. Headed home after lunch, cabbed down to church for rehearsal&had dinner there.
Night Of Praise was supber! It was great! All the presentations were wonderful, the singing&I played piano with Jollyn. My piano part was mixture of string&trumpet instruments. Nice. :D We enjoyed playing. I recorded some of the singing of songs, but sadly no one recorded our Youths presentation! I so missed our Youths!
David&Moses so cute, have no idea what were they doing. But yeah, couldnt take their face! 
&Friday, rushed off after school to meet the guys at city hall. Im glad our surprises went well! (: Bought Ice-cream cake & balloons for Jollyn. We met twice while walking, Jas saw us but not Jollyn! Hahha! &she really had no no no clue that we were there to celebrate with her. Good job! :D Some pictures.
While waiting for Jas&Jol to enter ThaiExpress. We were hiding at that corner.

I look so tired.


That's about it, I guess. Church later, Jollyn&I playing again. &Im gonna collect my specs later! Hehaho.
Somehow, I missed that piece of jerk.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
9:04 PM ;
It's your voice that I hear.
Alright, church asusual. It's like, finally I see my church friends. So wanna hang out with them. :D Ahwell, today sermon was preached by Dn. Pual. Pastor wasnt around, I think he went to Cebu. Service ended early today, &the youths gathered to practice the presentation for Saturday, Night of Praise. (: No Bible Study today, it's Evangelism but didnt attend. So, went with family to Eastpoint bought dinner home! &yeah, was watching The Pacifier, I missed out the first part though, it was really nice!
Anyway, back to school tmr! Gonna be a really long&tiring day, as lessons only end at 1645, &there's netball training until about 1900! &I need to find one day to go down to PHS to collect the Cert. See, if there's chance to meet up with friends! (:
Alright, here's some pictures of Friday at Orchard.

In one of the hotel. :X
The guys helped us to carry our bags! While we were busy snapping.
Genesis cropped this picture! Look, how loving they are!
Ohyeah, I love these few pictures. :D

I like! (:

That's about it. I think there's somemore, will ask Gen. Nights all! :D I'm looking forward for the next weekend! &of course, Night of Praise!
I really don't understand; I'm important? No.
Friday, March 20, 2009
9:50 PM ;
DIPLOMA in Business Management! Finally ONE module is done! We did it within ONE week! Though it was kinda hectic, but the lecture sessions were fun. :D Last night, Fizah called me at 0200 to talk about the assignment, at that time my brain was a bit slow cos I was actually sleeping. Hahah! But yeah, finally done&handed it up already. Had lunch over at Westmall again&again! Have been going to Westmall for this whole week! Today we ended at 1500, so went down to Westmall to meet Genesis&Deepika while waiting for WH. Went to Orchard&meet Viky. We waited for him, &were late for our show, Mall Cop. Heyyy, the show is really nice! We kept laughing! Anyway, after the show we had.. like a tour? Then back to the Mrt station! Genesis, Viky&I took the NEL, but before that we went to PS&wanted to have dinner, didnt in the end! LOL. Waste our train fare! Trained back with Viky, &that's about it! Alright, back to school next week! Wohoo, cant wait! Kinda miss my class. (: Update pictures later! Those words kept; left unsaid.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
9:09 PM ;
Wooooo~ A busy week!
Man, this whole week went back to school for our Diploma in Business Management! Tmr we'll finish One module! Fast yeah! Had been in school from 0930 to 1600. Lecture was fun, our lecturer was good too! &he already said that all of us will pass the exam! Our assignment, participation, attendance already helped us to pass! :D &he'll be marking our paper too! Even though it's very hectic, but it was enjoyable? Have been hanging out with friends almost everyday after the course. Too many things happened during this week. Alright, tmr will be out with friends for hangout at Orchard! Fizah&I are rushing for time to finish our Dip. assignment! (: Photos!

Not Your Bag! LOL.

This was dumb. (:

Gen. was trying to snap WH, but she didnt know she was taking the ground!
Well, I helped to stand in? Craps!

Fitri&I. :D
Sometimes, I just wonder how will this happen. Im confused about it, hoping I'll not regret it. Stand not in my way.
Friday, March 13, 2009
6:29 PM ;
Alright, here's a short update. :DSchool was kinda relax, as in there were only two subjects. MOB&ACC. Bought a new Nike bag, it was only on display ytd. (: While walking around PS, Lester called & said whole class waiting for me at Jurong point. Which turns out to be, only he, Chewy, Genesis&Adilah. But didnt meet them, too far. Sorry guys! Anyway, next week! Goshh. It isnt a holiday at all, it'll be our first module & our exam is on 28th MAR. Super fast! Well, at least I think there's something to keep me occupied. :D
Ohyes, our game stall for MI carnival got rejected. Because, we shouldnt waste water! As studied in Econ, S'pore is limited in natural resourse&blabla. Lol. Alright, holiday assignments were given too. Whoo. Shall see if Jamie can meet up to study together&maybe Vicky. We shall see. Anyway, here's some overdue pictures. Wait, not some, only TWO.Taken on Sunday. :D
The change in life; would I even want it to happen.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
11:35 PM ;
Oh great! Havent update for 4 days! Whoooo~ Anyway, I've been really busy lately. Homework are all given at the same time, &due on the same day! Madness! Though schoolwork had been a killer, but at least school is fun. Especially my classmates! Check it out, they're wonderful peeps! :D Lazy to update about the past four days, but all I can say is school's good. Going out for dinner after school&it was fun, I think. It's always the same group, Genesis, Chewy, Lester, WaiHong, Edward, William, Vicky&I. Ah well, class ended at 1645 today, asusual we went to Westmall for dinner. Only four of us went, Chewy, Edward, Vicky&I. I think we should have more Sharing session. LOL. Anyway, after dinner headed home. Alright, that's about it. Next week is March holidays, but it isnt for me! My MDIS diploma course is starting. &it's for the whole week, from 0930 - 1730! Arghhh, cant go for class outing. Though it isnt confirm if it's on. We shall see, at least I've got the accompanitment of Fizah, Jason&WaiHong. HOHOHO~ &sadly, I cant go for Netball training camp! Ahwell, nightsss. Super duper tired!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
11:43 AM ;
YES! Have been busy with the Econ Project. Everyone was up doing it till this early morning. But I logged off first as I was really tired. Im still stuck with it, gonna complete it tonight after church. Alright, yesterday didnt attend youths, was really tired&had to complete homework. &there's test tomorrow, BALANCE SHEET- testing on format though. (:Church later, got to go early for the choir presentation later. &Im serving today! Whoo. Alright, talk about Friday. It was MI's SPORTS FESTA. &our whole class was supposed to take part in the Speed walk, but I've no idea why we didnt in the end. It was abit mess up though. Hmmm, it ended early. &about 8 of us went to Westmall for lunch. Genesis, Fizah, Edward, Vik, WaiHong, Lester, William&I. Had lunch at foodcourt. &saw our other classmates, Qiu yi, Siying&Junyi. Guess what, I had Hokkien Mee, I've overcome it. LOL. Someone will know what I mean. Hahah! After lunch, walked around. Went to Popular, &we spent like 30mins? Or maybe more in there. We were deciding on the materials to get for our class notice board.OHYES! &darn, my picture on my Ezlink card was captured by Edward! Wth. Im so gonna get that picture out from his phone. That picture is so, YUCKS. Anyway, had to go back to school as the guys had rugby&wushu training. It was the A'level results too, so Gen, Chewyi (nice nick), Lester, WH&I went to watch. Jason was like super happy cos his brother was the top 5 or something. Went to cafe&slack. Went to watch rugby match, our school & SP. Sadly, we couldnt do the notice board as class was taken up. AH wells. I shall end off the post here. Pictures! :DMan, it was really hot! Yellow umbrella represent Zircon!

The Bossa Game, it's like Volleyball but it's on air. In a way, jump&bounce on it. ^_^

In popular, deciding on class notice board.

Edward's the only one smiling. Lol.

At the cafe.

Sexy pose by Wushu master. Craps.

Some stalker.


Sometimes I just wonder.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
9:33 PM ;
HELLO. : DSchool has been really fun these few days. Craps alot. I mean it. A lot! (: Well I shall just talk about today. Lessons were as usual, had Econ, MOB, Acc&GP. Debating was fun though. I think Mr Andrew is really good&funny! That makes the lesson fun. Anyway, we had 2&half hour break today. So Fitri, Lester&I brought our laptops to do our Econ project. We did some reseach, Lester didnt though, I did a LITTLE but Fitri did the most.After GP, we waited for the others to end their class as GP lessons were banded. Had dinner with Genesis, Qiuyi, Edward, Vik&William over at Westmall. Ok, we were really out of our mind. All I could say is, Edward, Vik&William were really lame. The best part was, Vik went out&Started to look up the sky, &see if people walking around will look up too. We were inside watching the scene though. Hahah, Genesis&Edward were trying to video it down. &happened Gerald walked passed Vik&they both were looking up! Vik was pointing up to the sky somemore! So, walked around westmall after dinner. We wanna get bags! &before heading home we went to NTUC. &we bought 4 bottles of drink for tmr "party" that Edward suggested. Im looking forward! Wonder what's like! Hahah.Alright, MI SPORTS FESTA tomorrow! So no lessons. Craps, &we all got to take part in some event. Well, we'll see how it goes. Got to go, nights. Pictures to end the day! :D
Specially for WH. :D

Genesis' sexy. Totally random.


WH acting shy.

Genesis, Fizah&Qiuyi.

Genesis just wants her lip to be taken. LOL.

Presenting to you,
09B3. Not the full strength though.