Thursday, April 30, 2009
7:44 PM ;
Sometime, I wish I could talk to the wind.
Well, after THREE days of MC, I'm finally back to school. How I've miss school&friends.
Most of them went.. "Ohh. You're back!", "You got swine flu?", "Sure you sick or not?" etc.
Whatever. (: But they were all nice, they showed concern. Thanks guys!
After MOB, we had THREEE periods of break = TWO HOURS Plus
before GP class start. But guess what, we waited for Mr Andrew for about 20mins?
&one of them said Mr.A already told one of our classmates that he'll not be coming
& we could go.. since it was our last 2 periods. ERRR.
Chewy, Lester, WH, Roy & I were grumbling!
Cos we could have left school at 1300, after MOB class?
Anyway, at least we still get to go back earlier. So yeah.
LABOUR DAY, so what?
Tchers goes, "You've got LONG weekend!" -YES! Homework&more.
I guess, it isnt a good thing to have long weekends either uh.
Tomorrow, I've got to attend some church choir retreat from 0900- 1800!
Really longgggggggggggg. PLUS, I'm still sick! Sighh.
The workshop is held at my club. (: Changi Beach Club.
I spent most of my childhood time there with relatives!
Alright, I'm gonna get some work done.
I'm lazy, but I'll try!
It's the wind saying Goodbye.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
10:19 AM ;
Anyhow. You're always late. :D
Awww. Yes, I know my cousins are cute! (:
I've tagged you already.
Ah! My cousin, I was confused with the other one. :P
Yeah, it's a picture of You, he, she, they, &them. YES! I'm gonna miss out alot.
But thank God, I only need to worry for 2subs at the moment.
&my friends will help me to catch up, &&&fortunately, t'cher didnt teach alot!
Miss you.
Yeah, everyone is busy with school. :(
But I guess, that's life. Let's all work hard. :D
Just happen to be free, but not as free as YOU.
Slacker. I dont have the link, ask Daniel.
What a weakling. Sighh.
Anyway, thanks alot! :D
What? Give in? No way! You cant even kidnap one.
You better watch out, the police is on his way.
Monday, April 27, 2009
3:31 PM ;

I miss this load of peeps.
They are my grown-up buddies. <3
It's not fun being sick, Mr. Doctor gave me 2 days MC.
I'm gonna miss out a lot in school&gonna miss my friends too.
But, hopefully I'll get better.
&yes, I can't wait for Friday.
Church Choir Retreat will be held at my Club house.
OH. I miss that place, I wanna walk along the beach.
(If there's even a chance too?)
Well, at least a good break!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
8:05 PM ;
Alright, I've been lagging behind.
Busy with work, catching up with sleeps&of course friends.
On friday, met up with Jingyi&Elena. It'd been really long since I've hang out with them.
Glad we finally met up. I think I was the one who was busy most of the time.
Ahwells. We went to Newyork Newyork at City Link.
It was good to catch up with each other.
Anyway, many things happened during this week. But everything went smooth&well.
Oh, not forgetting Rev. Timothy Tow who has passed away. I was kinda surprised when my mum texted me telling me about this news. Though I do not know him as person, but I do respect him! Hearing from Pastor&read from books, all the things he'd gone through & experienced. He's truely a great servent of the Lord. He'd gone through lots of pains&trials.
Thank God for him.
Alright, I'm now DOWN WITH FLU!
Last night, suddenly I had sort throat. I've no ieda how&where did I get it from.
But anyway, this morning it got kinda worse.. &that's when my flu started!
It's irritating! Anyway, went to church earlier as I was serving in Filippino Service.
After which, went up for English&I was really tired due to the effect of the medication. My family didnt stay for break, sigh! Bought dinner&went home straight.
So, back to school tmr. It's going to be a longggg day. Hopefully, I'll get better. :D
Ohyes! ¬ forgetting, yesterday I got my 1st module,
Principles of Market&Production Management result!
Thank God, I'm able to cope with the 'As' & along side with the Diploma.
That's all folks. Take care!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
2:39 PM ;
Thursday, April 16, 2009
10:38 PM ;
Shelley&Amy is leaving today. Now they're already at the airport. Their flight is about 2300plus. Well, it had been fun the passed two weeks of their stay here, even though they've fallen sick. Time really pass so fast, 4years back, Shelley was only a baby. I'm really gonna miss both Shelley&Amy. They are so adorable. :D
Last night, after school went home straight. Got changed&left for Vivo to meet Shelley&family, and my grandaunt&uncle. Trained down with family, since we've got the direct train. &dad didnt wanna drive up either. Walked around while waiting. &I love National Geographic, cool place. Went up to the roof top or whatever you called it. Met them&grandaunt suggested 店小二 for dinner. Well, both of us like the set-up. By the time dinner ended, it was about 2130! Cos we had to wait for a place, it was crowded! &many of them just refused to leave after eating. Eh, I shall not comment on that, sometime my friends & I just sit around and chit-chat away. After dinner, Shelley followed my family back home. She stayed over. I was amazed she did not asked for her mum or cried in the middle of the night looking for her mum. It's as if she totally forgot about them. She turned in to bed quite late, cos she was playing with my bear that Jas bought for me. She loves it! Totally. Chatted with her a little, &fell asleep. Msging someone.. &that someone fell asleep either. :X She's so sweet.
This morning, didnt go to school as I had doctor appointment at CGH. She wakes up early man. She woke up, &smiled at me.. asking for the singing bear. My eyes was still half-closed! Anyway, the whole morning she was occupied with Polly Pocket. She was so happy&excited when I slowly took out one Polly Pocket after another. I'm glad I still have it though, Hahah! Brought her down to the playground. She enjoyed. After showers, went together to Eastpoint to meet my aunt&uncle& little Amy. Her parents missed her, but she didnt miss them! Wooo. Company them for a short while&we left for my appointment. &when we left, Shelley cried! Told her we'll be going over to grandparents' house later, as we planned to buy the 'Build a bear' for her.
Alright, here's about my appointment.. Sounds wrong though.
Waited for an hour, even though I've got appointment. Forever! Got a better explanation about the cause of the pain&everything. Because of my past surgery that I had, there's a scar on my nerve which affecting my movement a little. &the other reason.. I'm somehow borned with smaller wrist. -Hard to explain though. So anyway, I'm special. Lol! Nothing major though, just that sometime I just got to bare with the pain.. it's permanent. Ahwells. Got MC&excuse letter for NAPFA. From there, headed down to Plaza Sing. to get the bear.. had lunch with mum. Then took a cab down to grandparents' house. Oh boy! She was sooooo surprised when she saw the bear&Started pressing the song, which played 'happy birthday'. Anyway, last week was her birthday, so yeah. Feel kinda bad that we did not get anything for Amy. Shelley&I camwhore a little. Later on, dad came & sent them to the airport. We couldnt send them off, as brother was on his way home. But.. yeah miss them loads. Told mum.. end of the year I wanna go over. She's said OK! She'll just send bro&I over and stay with grandparents! Haha! Coolest, and Dad said he plan to go over too! :D How nice.
Next : Tuesday.
After a long day in school, went to Westmall for dinner, &Chinese project! I'm so glad there's Chewy&Lester! They were helping me in the translation! Hahah. Well, we didnt complete it but at least we did something! :D Camwhore with my Macbook&saw Mr Pow! &he took a picture with us. &we were so surprised that he said.. "Ouch, my balls!" Craps. Though he is our.. sorta discipline master, but he's really funny when he's in class with us. That's about it.. &here's some pictures!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
9:20 PM ;
I miss church.. becos I miss fellowship-ing with my churchmates! Esp, my clique. &yes, I've been missing Youths too. :( Alright, I'm going to adjust my schedule so that I'll be able to attend Youths! Trying ..
Anyway, today is Easter Sunday. Went down to church slightly earlier than usual, had a last practice with the children choir. Mum wasnt well, so she didnt attend church today. They sang well though. (: The church choir sang too.. &I dont know how long more I can stay in the choir. Had been missing quite a number of practices due to work loads&stuffs. Haven't speak to Uncle Dennis about it though. Well, shall wait&see how it goes.
During the service, &singing of praises.. everyone was singing -Alright, everyone sings on any other Sundays. But today is different, is like One Voice! Orrr, maybe it's becos I was sitting near&beside the choir! Lol! Yeah, anyhow.. the feeling was nice! :D It just made me miss church more. &heard this year church camp will be in Malaysia. I wanna go! But wait.. I'm waiting for Youths camp! Hope it doenst crash with my diploma course! &&&&&Norman showed me his 'identification card' for his driving practical. Full of jealousy* I know is Sunday, but still..
As for break time, chit-chatted a little! :( Went to hear my bro & Duaine practicing their duet-violin. Coolest. They spent most of the time tuning it, kinda wasted. Hope to hear something next week! Didnt stay for Bible Study, went to get dinner & home sweet home! Once again, didnt meet up with my Aunt&family. I really hope we'll meet up again.. sometime next week! They'll be going back on Thursday! Sharks, super fast. Seriously, I dont mind skipping school just to hang out with them. It's not like I get to see them every year? Like.. the next time I'll get to see them will be in 4-5 years time? No way man! I'm going to miss my cousins!
Back to reality, once I got home.. started on some MOB work & Econs, which I stared at it blankly & likewise. O'craps! Long day of school tmr, &training! Hope it'll end early. (:
This weekend passed really fast. Sigh, way too fast! Time is so selfish, it doesnt wait for men.
Friday, April 10, 2009
9:03 PM ;
Hello to the Cyber world!
It's Good Friday. Went to church this early morning, 0830? Is that considered early? It is to me, since it's a public holiday! Ohwells.
Havent been updating for like a week? Yeah, I was either busy or just lazy to update. Had been busy with school work&just needed lots of sleep. &seriously misses church. :D
Served as pianist with Jollyn today, as well as playing for the children presentation. There was a combined of service today, the English, Chinese, Filipino service altogether. During break took some pictures. &was supposed to join some of our youths, or rather the YAFers for FCM tmr morning at one of the brethren's house. But I can't go! :( Anyway, how nice of Bengwee, he offered to pick us from our home and bring us over to that brethren's house, it's all the way at CCK!
Ahwells, after church went to buy lunch for my Aunt. Man, they're here for holiday&they're all sick! My cousins are better, but not my Uncle. :( So today bbq was cancelled. Stayed at grandparents' house & played with my cousins. In the evening went over to ECP for dinner. Tmr, Shelley's coming over to my house to stay over! She said she wants to, hopefully she doesnt cry in the middle of the night to find my aunt! (: Alright, kinda tired, wanna get some sleeps. Here's some pictures to end this post. Enjoy! :D

Jw is always taking picture of himself. He loves to. :X
Alright, two pictures of him is enough. Haha!

Pictures of Shelley&Amy.

Shelley was singing MAMAMIA. :D

Isn't Amy cute?! She looks so comfortable! :D

I miss her! :(

I need to understand why.