Monday, June 29, 2009
4:43 PM ;
MOB. Leave it in the hand of God. (:
Next paper, Econs&Chinese! OHNO. CHINESE! 死了!
Yes, die already. I stare at you, you stare at me.
Anyway, it's gonna be a draggy day! Esp, during Chinese paper. 3hours!
Hopefully, I wont fall asleep. Sigh.
Alright, someone has been making my day so right.
People is gonna think that I'm crazy. Laughing on my own, thanks to that someone!
It'll be good if I could post them all here, but yeah. Sorry, is confidential. LOL!
Alright, back to study. I've got starbucks to keepa me going.
Friday, June 26, 2009
5:46 PM ;

I got bored studying.
Management of Business. Yes, Business again.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
3:42 PM ;
FINALLYYYYYYYYY! I so need to sleep now.
Last night was memorizing like some freak. I see myself STUDYING! Lol.
Someone accompanied me through it&thank you, you. (:
This morning, I just had to drag myself out from bed. Met my beloved.
Thanks for the lovely encouragement. (:
Well, I didnt know how to do one whole question. All I hope, is to pass the paper!
&hopefully, my assignment, class activities will help in my overall grade!
Wish me best! :D
After the paper, had a little celebration.
It wasnt even a celebration, we were just satisfying our hunger.
Alright, gonna rest a little.
All the laws are making me giddy.
I miss my ACG buddies, Dvd&Anna. :D
Thank you girls, for missing me!
Miss you guys too! :D
Sunday, June 21, 2009
6:21 PM ;

Backed from church. Sigh, I miss church. :(
Alright, yesterday went for Youths! It was a Gospel Rally event.
Aww, my girlfriends didn't go&
Jw wasn't there either.
Well, at least there was Brandon&Brendan. Lol.
After message, went down for "dinner" time. Thereafter, went home.
Finally, I couldn't resist the temptation, drank cold drink. &got scolded by someone.
Alright, today served in Chinese Service. Then went up to English service.
Talked to .. (see if I can remember who I talked to)
Jas, Jollyn, Brandon, Norman, Nicholas (cousin), Uncle Jeremy, Danny, Eunice, Hannah's sis (dont know how to spell), Audrey (we were playing catching?).. some others.
Sorry, I just got nothing to do. Anyway, Uncle Jeremy didn't know Nicholas & I were cousins!
I think many arn't aware too. Haha, coolest.
No Bible Study, so went home. Before that, went to NTUC.
Hahah. My family, Jas' family, Brandon's family, CheeSheng's family were all there.
Ohwellssss. I miss hanging out with them, though. :( One day~
&&Jas, Jollyn&I, randomly took a picture at NTUC.
Ok! One more week of holiday!
Well, heard government might extend one more week due to H1N1.
I hope they do, at least I can study! Hmmmmm.
Friday, June 19, 2009
5:19 PM ;
I'm finally done with my diploma course! BUSINESS LAW!
I'm so glad is over. Fizah, Jed&I only finished our assignment this morning, at 0300.
I only got to bed at 0330. Sigh, was having migraine & stuffs.
Anyway, this morning Jed&I decided to go to school later. At least we get to wake up later.
Really tired. Assignments, DONE! :D
&&what, class ended early today. We only attended like 45mins! Hahah!
Ohwells, came home&slept. I'm still tired.
Many wonderful things had happened the past few days. BB.
It's history, but memories now. (:
Tomorrow is another day of life.
There's Gospel Rally in church, mum cooking fried rice&nuggets.
Whereas, some others providing something else.
It's like I've missed out alot of youths. Sigh. Time to get back.
&&&That reminds me, diploma is over but PROMO ISN'T!
I just wished you were here.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
9:52 PM ;
I love you; &you love me.
I love surprises, especially when it's from the special someone. :D
Something short&sweet to end my day.
Next whole week of Business Law module! :(
Friday, June 12, 2009
9:19 AM ;
"Love cannot be measured by how long you wait.
Though waiting is an indication.. sometimes right, sometimes wrong. (cliche)
Well I can't wait, because I miss you."
Awww, how sweet. :D
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
9:41 AM ;
Sigh. I just got no mood to study.
Feel so discouraged.
She said a silent prayer, hoping that you'll hear.
A wish that I wish.
Monday, June 08, 2009
9:31 PM ;
Sometimes, the pain just won't go off.
It just hurts to think about it.
I want to go back to the days before.
I've got to be strong.
Friday, June 05, 2009
8:39 PM ;
Ohwells, if this is so
Count myself lucky then.
Sometimes, she wants to scream but her inner soul tells her not.